The Differences Between Wave & Cascading Petunias. Learn More... Watch Our Videos See the latest videos from our experts and find gardening inspiration. After some fine-tuning, the fast-growing, trailing petunia went on to win … Next page. Excellent landscape performer with terrific recovery from rain. Get your list ready as we all look forward to the warmer days ahead. Now there are four Wave petunia series – Easy Wave, Wave, Tidal Wave and Shock Wave – with new colors coming each year. - Buy NOW - Satisfaction Guaranteed - FREE Shipping - The best flowers start here Have always wanted to do a red, white & blue display out of large pots in front yard. It blooms all along the stems, creating a carpet of color effect. Better still, they shrug off the rain and wind that once were the ruin of many beautiful Petunias. If your petunias are plagued by bugs, consider bait or light sprays. And, they work incredibly well when directly planted into flowerbeds too. I cannot wait for my store to get them in so I can plant. You’ll likely be able to choose from pinks, reds, split colors, purple, and yellow – and you can always ask if they’re willing to explore some of the other varieties, or grow from seeds if you’re dead set on a specific hue. Okay, now the downside. Pairing them with angelonia is really nice. Keep the soil evenly moist – it’s very important to watch the moisture level in container plantings, as they dry out quickly in the summer heat. They prefer lightweight, fertile soil with a pH between 5.5. and 6.5 (peat moss is … These large, versatile, lush blooming annuals with intensely colored 3" blooms provide a great groundcover for trimming walks and beds. 2013 : Cool Wave Pansies join the family to bring easy, spreading color to early-spring gardens and fall/winter color for our southern Wave Fans. Once the seedlings have three of their true leaves, you can transfer the strongest specimens to their own pots and keep them under the lights until they’re ready to be hardened off. Burpee has a wonderful selection of petunia seeds and plants across the color spectrum, including Debonair Dusty Rose, a unique pink-to-yellow cultivar, and Starry Burgundy, which is spangled with little bursts of light. Store Locator... Meet the Family There is a Wave ® Petunia for every garden! Oct 26, 2020 - Explore Barbara Rottier-Robinson's board "petunias", followed by 101 people on Pinterest. I have them in all my home-made hanging baskets, which equals out to be about 20 baskets. Remember when you were a kid, and the bright colors of ribbon candy were almost as enticing as the simple, sweet taste? Wave™ Petunia Plants for Sale. Petunias put the summer back into summer as they fill your garden beds and containers with brilliant, jewel-toned blossoms. With their relatively low maintenance and fast-growing capabilities, petunias have been a mainstay of borders and containers for generations – and these days, we can look to them for a rainbow of color all summer long. For an alternative silver petunia variety, you can try ‘Tidal Wave Silver,’ an All-America Selections (AAS) winner. Surfinia® Petunias are grown from cuttings and are perfectly trailing and rain resistant. The Cool Wave stawberry swirl is gorgeous. The flowers also come in a range of reds. The soft pink flowers are accented by a deeper pink center. Extremely good habit. $26.71 $ 26. Are you aiming for a classic aesthetic – maybe something in those oh-so-popular “modern farmhouse” tones? While it’s true you can find a rainbow of colors when browsing seed catalogs, you won’t find quite as many options at your local garden center in seedling form. Week 52 – December 21, 2020 800 879-BALL. And the more sun, the better! FREE Shipping . Garden equipment, tool information and reviews, How To Incorporate Raised Garden Beds Into Your Yard, Greenworks 1600 Psi Pressure Washer Review. 2.8 out of 5 stars 102. Wave petunias are a perfect choice to add showy color to pots, planters and hanging baskets. They prefer lightweight, fertile soil with a pH between 5.5. and 6.5 (peat moss is a good way to add acid to soil). Whether you are looking for Easy Wave petunias, Tidal Wave petunias or Shock Wave petunias, we grow a hardy, healthy plant that is ready to take off in your in your landscape, planter, or hanging basket. Our Wave Team is always hard at work to bring new and exciting colors to a store near you. Their cheerful brilliant colors and unpretentious simplicity make them a tempting choice. Wave Petunias. Wave Petunia. Success Stories. Make sure your waves get at least 8 hours of full sun each and every day to promote maximum growth and blooms. For beginner gardeners, a simple reliable petunia is the best choice to grow for long summer color. This year is Wave petunia’s twenty-fifth anniversary. The blossom size selection is quite diverse as well. This petunia variety was an All-America Winner for 1995, and it's certainly worth all of the accolades (and the price!). Petunia blossoms are usually a simple trumpet shape (some specimens are showier), and each plant will put out many blooms throughout the season. When it comes to wave petunia care, there are four simple keys to success. Could not have summer without Cool Wave Pansies. Experienced gardeners might argue these zone 9-11 annuals are trite. The wave petunia blends the habit of the petunia and a trailing vine plant. Join him on his mission to provide free resources via his website, Best of Tools. Monitor your petunias for pests throughout the growing season, as they can be magnets for slugs and aphids. If you want your flower bed to burst with color, it is the perfect flower to include. What will your garden look like this year?

The Wave® series of Petunias has changed how these colorful annuals can be used in planters and gardens. Still, if you’re looking to cover the ground underneath trees or in other shady regions of your property, you should bear in mind that spreading petunias require at least six hours of sunlight a day. The only varying characteristic is the range of colors of different petunia flowers within each series. Find the one that's right for you. All four are readily available in series, which are groups of plants with uniform size and flowering habit. Burpee They’re valued for the color they bring to containers, hanging baskets, window boxes, and garden beds – and different varieties are best suited for each place. Add six inches to that for spreading petunias. In addition to these three broad classifications, you can also find floribunda cultivars. Just plant the seedlings, pinch the tops off to promote bushy growth, and pay attention to deadheading, and they’ll lend loads of cheer to any sunny spot in your yard, whether it’s in a bed or as part of a container planting. 2012 : Wave Petunia combos and medleys make choosing a ready-made basket a cinch. A real breakthrough! Petunias (Petunia) are tender perennials that are hardy in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 10 through 11. Recommended in Wave branded packaging: 6-in./15-cm pots, premium gallons, hanging baskets. What you’ll need: A pair of scissors Basket Flower press or a sturdy, heavy book. See more ideas about petunias, planting flowers, container gardening. The plants resist lodging, so they won’t fall open and expose a bare centre like other petunias can. Once they sprout, you can remove the plastic and put the trays under the growing light. This newest color of the popular Wave® petunias was one of the highest scoring plants in the 2018 trials! Grow instant color for baskets, planters, and windowboxes with super-fast, free-flowering Wave® Petunias! Between the two types of plants, Supertunias may have more bold or unique flower color patterns. We recommend starting fresh each Spring with new, young plants for the best performing petunias! These flowers bloom profusely throughout the growing season and do not require plucking the way a traditional petunia would. Outsidepride Burgundy Velour Easy Wave Petunia Flower Seeds - 15 Seeds. Love them all around the deck, and in front of the garage and house. We love their big, showy flowers (some are up to five inches! 39. Our fast growing petunia seeds come in spreading, trailing and mounded varieties that flourish in beds, containers or as border flowers in any garden. Deadheading is a great time to check under leaves and around the base of plants for these pesky critters. Since 1995, I’ve used more than a dozen Wave types and colors successfully in beds, containers, and mixed planters. Wave® is the most popular petunia family, both for nursery plant sales in spring and seed sales from catalogs. Working on John Deere farm machinery for the past 26 years and tending to a pristine yard he is proud of, Steve knows a thing or two about tools and gardening. Slightly more mounded and less trailing than the original Wave, Easy Wave Petunia is ideal for gardeners even in the far north! Our Wave Team is always hard at work to bring new and exciting colors to a store near you. Both wave petunias and Supertunias can be found in many different colors. Plant your grandiflora and multiflora seedlings about a foot apart. Although wave petunias will tolerate some shade, they prefer full sun. Pairing them with angelonia is really nice. They’re what’s known as a tender perennial; in their native South America, the plants can survive multiple years, but in colder climates, they’re grown as annuals. The experts recommend frequent fertilization, as these plants grow fast, especially the spreading varieties. View Product Healing Waters Petunia-Bacopa Fuseable® Seeds (P) Pkt of 5 seeds $6.95 Sort. Week 52 – December 21, 2020 800 879-BALL . Height never attains more than 6"-7", so it does not get flattened in heavy rains or wind. Grower Information: Packed with petite blooms! Many gardeners grow and love the Waves. We are open and are taking orders for spring shipping. Jul 20, 2020 - Explore Lynn Helgason's board "Wave Petunias", followed by 122 people on Pinterest. The flowers are characteristic of the original petunia, in multiple colors of white, pink, red, purple, and yellow. Our consumer research shows that Wave has a 25% brand awareness in North America with gardening consumers. Wave trailing petunias (Petunia x hybrida) have transformed the way gardeners think about petunias. All four are readily available in series, which are groups of plants with uniform size and flowering habit. “Easy Wave” is a mounding petunia that flowers freely all season and is tolerant of hot and cool weather. You can’t beat THIS winner for a getaway look in your own outdoor space (Wave Carmine Velour). Once they’re toughened up, and there’s no danger of frost, the petunia seedlings are ready for life in the great outdoors. A - Z Z - A Featured Viewing 1 - 1. In the yellow family, you’ll see buttery creams to sunny golden blossoms. . But while the weather’s frightful, Plant Cool Wave Pansies now for bright color next spring, check out our mail-order catalog partners. Petunia, Wave® Purple Hybrid Short Description. These combine the best aspects of grandiflora and multiflora; they’ll give you larger flowers that are a little more sturdy under rainfall. Any less than that, and you’ll get poor performance. Wave Petunia. Wave's generally stay around 6-8 inches tall, but spread up to 4 feet. Even though they are colorful, you’ll know that those blossoms tend to die off quickly, leaving an unsightly deadhead on top. It’s time to DIY, get crafty and and gather some of your favorite Wave petunia blooms. Add a little vibe to your space with an electrifying color like new Easy Wave Lavender Sky Blue or our Shock Wave Purple Tie-Dye. Available in a broad range of colors, the wave petunia is covered in blooms from early summer until the chill of fall rolls in. Multiflora stems are sturdier as well as shorter, and the smaller flowers (about two inches wide) stand up better to rain. Thank you for visiting! Amazon Business: For business-only pricing, quantity discounts and FREE Shipping. Can't wait to order some seed to get a start for summer. Love Wave petunias. The seeds do best when you start them ten weeks earlier than planting time (check your zone for when you’re out of frost danger). Plant alone or mix with other plants in containers and hanging baskets. But we’re really excited when petunias get the blues – even the most casual gardeners know it’s hard to find truly blue flowers, and several petunia hybrids now fit the bill, whether you’re out for a sky blue or a deeper, royally blue tone. 71. Love all the new colors added to the Wave family. Add a little vibe to your space with an electrifying color like new, Need more tropical hues in your life? Shop high-quality petunia seeds & plants available at Burpee. We like the Celebrity and the ever-popular Wave varieties. 2019 AAS Flower Winner. Today the petunia comes in many colors, and the flowers are either single and funnel shaped, ruffled, or doubled. Love all the new colors added to the Wave family. Types of Petunia Plants. The only varying characteristic is the range of colors of different petunia flowers within each series. Without a doubt the most exciting thing to happen to annual plants in decades, Wave burst onto the scene in the mid 1990s with a flood of publicity that, if anything, downplayed the beauty, flower power, and sheer ease of this spreading Petunia. Easy Wave White. You’ll need a light seed-starting mix, planting trays, growing lights, and some patience. Shock Wave Petunia is launched for spring hanging baskets. But while the weather’s frightful, check out our mail-order catalog partners from the comfort of the indoors. About. The conditions indoors, even in a sunny spot, are tough on Wave Petunias, as with many other Summer garden plants. For quicker coverage, space plants closer together. Five Wave petunia types are currently available in a wide variety of colors and color mixes: You’ll find petunias in shades of pink ranging from delicately tinted to fuschia, to everywhere in between. In addition to their low growing height and far-reaching tendrils, you don’t have to pull off the dead flowers to encourage new blooms. Extremely good habit. Make a big impression in containers and baskets. We prefer them to grandifloras when it comes to planting in beds because multifloras mound lower to the ground to create a more structured look (grandifloras can look leggy and even sparse in the heat of summer). Jul 20, 2020 - Explore Lynn Helgason's board "Wave Petunias", followed by 122 people on Pinterest. What about you early-birds who like to garden before the soil warms? These varieties also do well in hanging baskets or in planters; they prettily escape the bounds of their containers to create a cascading effect. They thrive in full sun, so for the best show, give them a bright, sunny spot, and they’ll reward you with blooms all summer. No matter which variety and colors you choose, you’ll get the best performance from your petunias if you pay attention to their needs. Water when the soil looks dry, and keep the temperature around 65 degrees. A - Z Z - A Featured Viewing 1 - 1. In addition to spreading petunia varieties, nurseries will offer grandiflora collections. At first there was only Petunia Wave, full stop. Petunia Wave is known for its ability to bloom through the worst summer heat and humidity, but Easy Wave adds another strength to the family: an affinity for blooming even in cool-summer conditions! “Easy Wave” is a mounding petunia that flowers freely all season and is tolerant of hot and cool weather. Countless color options are available, along with patterns like stripes, splashes, and even hearts. Wave Petunias have been around for a few years now and are pretty much well known, but many people are wondering what the difference between a Wave and a Supertunia is. There are four main types of petunia plants: Grandiflora, Multiflora, Milliflora and Spreading (Wave). There are four main types of petunia plants: Grandiflora, Multiflora, Milliflora and Spreading (Wave). To create an idea board, sign in or create an account. Find plants you love and create idea boards for all your projects. Special offers and product promotions. These beauties are colorful, and developed specifically for large containers or in ground gardens. But deadheading is a labor of love if you value the sheer size and spectacle of these otherwise low-maintenance plants. The carefree Petunias spread vigorously and offer an extended bloom time. Week 52 – 12/21/2020. Sunlight . Create a dense hedge covered in blooms by planting a row of these plants along the base of a 3-foot (0.9 m.) fence for support, or decorate a porch roof with giant globes of color by planting bright Wave petunias around the base of a coir basket . Nov 19, 2020 - Fill empty spaces in your landscape quickly with Supertunia Vistas. Their colors are what’ll first catch your eye. 800 879-BALL ... Largest and most vigorous of the Wave petunia family, Tidal Wave plants super-size colour into big spaces. Week 52 – 12/21/2020. Multiflora petunias were genetically engineered to produce smaller, more profuse blooms than their big sisters. Homestead Gardens’ Wave petunias grow to 3 – 4 foot in diameter and up to 2 feet tall. Without a doubt the most exciting thing to happen to annual plants in decades, Wave burst onto the scene in the mid 1990s with a flood of publicity that, if anything, downplayed the beauty, flower power, and sheer ease of this spreading Petunia. Whether you're looking for a low-growing groundcover, a mounding type for containers, or a rambling wild plant to fill up some space, there is a petunia … Love Wave petunias. It is easy to care for with just the usual needs of sun, water and occasional feeding. $6.49 Hot!20 Colors Petunia seeds, potted seed, Petunia flower seed Garden plants, perennial planting - 200 seeds. ), Need more tropical hues in your life? But that’s okay – most nurseries will still offer a good assortment of petunias because they’re both easy to grow and easy on the eyes. This newest color of the popular Wave® petunias was one of the highest scoring plants in the 2018 trials! Sort. You can preserve the beauty and color of your garden with pressed flowers! Where that is depends on what variety you’ve chosen. But Surfinia® is much more nowadays.. Find a wide variety of organic and hybrid mixes and collections of petunia seeds in stock at Burpee seeds. Wave petunias stand up well to both heat and cooler conditions, and perform better than most petunias when botrytis is present. Their bright trumpet-shaped flowers form and bloom in near staggering numbers on plants and vines … The Differences Between Wave & Cascading Petunias. Wave is the most-asked-for plant brand ever! See more ideas about wave petunias, petunias, plants. In my opinion, the difference is in the colors available, the fertilizing requirements and the growth habits. See more ideas about petunias, planting flowers, container gardening. Most wave petunia varieties are common colors (red, white, blue, salmon, etc. When it comes to filling your garden bed or containers, petunias are the ribbon candy of the horticulture world. How about something upbeat! Diseases and Insects That May Affect Wave Trailing Petunias.

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