'Assure II'), … What's the proper way to mix a tank? 2. It has little or no impact on grasses. 52 Q&A. Affinity Tank Mix DuPont tribenuron (10%) + thifensulfuron (40%) ALS-inhibitors- 2 (B) Agility SG DuPont tribenuron (2.4%) + thifensulfuron (4.7%) + metsulfuron (1.9%) + dicamba (57.8%) ALS-inhibitors- 2 (B), auxin mimic- 1 (O) All-In-One Lawn Weed & Crabgrass Killer Ready-to-spray Location Coastal NC. The convenience of tank mixing products to control weeds and disease all in one spray application is obvious. Crossbow herbicide lived up to it's claim. For a four gallon backpack tank this would be ½ gallon of herbicide plus 3½ gallons of diluent. Triclopyr. Crossbow Specialty Herbicide - 2, 4-D & Triclopyr will kill bamboo if the bamboo is cut down and the Crossbow Specialty Herbicide - 2, 4-D & Triclopyr is applied undiluted. + Free Shipping* Tank Mixing: 1 to 3 quarts of Alligare Triclopyr 4 may be tank mixed with labeled rates of 2,4-D low volatile ester herbicide, Tordon* or Picloram K, or Tordon* 101 Mixture diluted to … Customized Pest Control Program - New Lower Price Starting at $7.98/month* + Free Shipping », DoMyOwn's COVID-19 Update: Shipping & Delivery Info | Check your order status or visit our DIY Center for expert advice. - Using diesel fuel, fuel oil, kerosene or a commercial oil diluent, mix a 12½ % solution of Garlon 4, Tahoe 4 or Element 4 (active ingredient triclopyr). Thread starter Michael Ray; Start date Jun 6, 2018; Michael Ray LawnSite Senior Member. Ortho, Bayer, and Image brush and vine killers are just triclopyr, about 8% each. Remedy Ultra Specialty Herbicide Weed Killer & Brush Control At Rangeland, Pasture and Fence Lines, Triclopyr Concentrated, Use Alone Or Tank Mix With GrazonNext/ForeFront HL Herbicide, 1 Gallon Brand: Remedy Ultra. The mixing rate of Crossbow Specialty Herbicide - 2, 4-D & Triclopyr is 1 1/3 fl oz Crossbow Specialty Herbicide - 2, 4-D & Triclopyr into one gallon of water. Although there are many products that contain triclopyr, triclopyr by itself at 1 quart per acre typically provides the best results in our research. Thanks 2,4-D and triclopyr are hormone-type herbicides used to control annual and perennial broadleaf weeds. When applying this product in tank mix combination, follow all applicable use directions, precautions, and limitations on each manufacturer's label. M. Tu, C. Hurd, R. Robison & J.M. Question: I have been following the delay on Enlist registration from the inference that there is ‘synergy’ when glyphosate and 2,4-D are mixed together. It seems to kill everything but grass like it is supposed to. Triclopyr 4 Brush Killer can be mixed with various other chemicals such as surfactants like Alligare 90 that increase the effectiveness of the product. For large order quotes, please call us at 866-581-7378. Testimonials ». When using Triclopyr 600 and Glyphosate 450 by aerial application, observance of a buffer zone of 150 metres to protect native tree species is required. Triclopyr is an herbicide used to control woody plants and many broadleaf weeds including rights-of-way, industrial areas, forestry, railways, rangeland, home lawns, and permanent grass pastures, rice, turf, and plantation crops such as palm oil. by Harts » Sun Aug 16, 2020 9:06 am, Post It's also killing other broad leaf weeds with no effect on the grass. Sulfentrazone 39.6%) 5. Add Alligare Triclopyr 3. Tank mix with postemer-gence herbicides to control existing wee ds. Weed, tree and bush killer with the ingredient triclopyr is highly effective and generally safe to use around animals and people. Water. | This being said, we always recommend treating a small area first to test the results. I followed this advice with very good results: Garlon 4) should be used for basal bark treatments because it is oil soluble (important when mixing with oil) and esters penetrate bark more effectively than amine formulations such as Garlon 3A. I forgot to ask if this can be mixed and stored together. Prodiamine 65 WDG I also have the sprayable form of AMS, MSO & NIS How should I apply these and can I mix the Ester with an Amine? Yes No. Is there any truth to this potential antagonism? Reply; Inaccurate; Pest Guide Staff on Jun 15, 2018 For use on plants in non-crop and non-timber areas only. 2. triclopyr @ 2.25 to 4 lb/A; Blackberry, oaks, pines, sumac, sweetgum and other broadleaf plants. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the efficacy of triclopyr and imazapyr tank mixtures for a variety of rates and species. Also, both can provide good control of some broadleaves as well. Tank Mixing Recommendations: 1. $87 Karmex XP Payload Pendulum AC Journey Plateau 8 lb 8 oz 134 fl oz 32 fl oz 12 fl oz This list compares the costs of PRE herbicides that would be added to a BSR. It can be used on permanent grass pastures, non-irrigation ditchbanks, non-crop areas, fence rows, rangelands, roadsides and industrial sites. Mix tank. … Uses. Post emergents are not preventative. Tank mixing Outrider with herbicides formulated as amines (including 2,4-D) may decrease the effectiveness of Outrider on johnsongrass. The short answer is when you use Smart Gone 450 and Smart 2,4-d Amine 625.. * Free Shipping is available to the continental United States only. Crossbow has, by far, been the most effective. Tank Mixing: To improve the spectrum of activity, TRICLOPYR 4E may be tank mixed at a rate of ½ to 1 pint per acre with specified rates of low volatile amine or ester formulations of 2,4-D, MCPP, or other labeled postemergence broadleaf herbicides. A broadleaf herbicide can be used to remove weeds such as thistles or clovers from grasses. Add Alligare Triclopyr 3. 0.75 to 1 gal/A. brown. Buying Options, "Outstanding service with fast shipping and in supply products, wellpriced and backed up by an excellent company. 49 of 55 people found this answer helpful, 32 of 36 people found this answer helpful. On another section I used Roundup (Glyphosate) to compare their efficacy. T The tank mix consisted of Renovate® 3 (triclopyr triethylamine salt 44.4%), the modified vegetable oil surfactant Competitor®, and the marker dye Hi-Light® . $32.24 These products are translocated throughout the plant. In the photograph below these brews containing both products have been left to stand for 72 hours without any agitation and both remain in full solution without the typical separation or precipitate so often seen in the paddock. 1.Water soluble herbicide (if used) 2. Tank mix with postemer-gence herbicides to control existing wee ds. That was the driving force for this experiment. 0.75 to 1 gal/A. The two we have had the most consistent success with are triclopyr, which is often sold under the trade names Remedy®, Garlon® and Pathfinder II®, and a formulated mixture of triclopyr and fluroxypyr, which is sold under the trade name PastureGard®. 4.8 out of 5 stars 248 ratings. Mix thoroughly before using. Ortho, Bayer, and Image brush and vine killers are just triclopyr, about 8% each. Slowly pour the premix solution into the water, allowing the agitator to mix the two liquids. Crossbow: The strongest Herbicide I have found so far. The tank mix consisted of Renovate® 3 (triclopyr triethylamine salt 44.4%), the modified vegetable oil surfactant Competitor®, and the marker dye Hi-Light® . Jun 6, 2018 #1 Am I missing something, is diesel code for another solution? Answer: Mixtures of 2,4-D and glyphosate (in other formulations) have been used successfully for weed control in various systems for many years. Add about one-half the required amount of clean water to the spray tank. Pre em is the only thing that will prevent poa a next year. This is another tank mix to consider as a rotation option for kochia control. When reading the label however, it is unclear whether this tank mixture will increase in its effectiveness in controlling hard to kill weeds such as ground ivy. Alternatively, you can mix Triclopyr with oil instead of water. What is the mixing rate for Crossbow Specialty Herbicide - 2, 4-D & Triclopyr? 6. Sulfentrazone 39.6%) 5. I have also used it as a general weed/brush killer and it will kill those things at a 100% kill rate. BEST ANSWER: Yes, Triclopyr will work on Brazilian Pepper Trees, For spot applications of triclopyr with a hand pump sprayer mix 3.2oz of Triclopyr per gallon of adjuvant. 74 of 78 people found this answer helpful. Only the ester formulation (e.g. I would highly recommend this to anyone dealing with this difficult vine. According to the label for both pylex and tenacity, these chemicals can be tank mixed with an additional broadleaf herbicide, such as triclopyr. For homeowners, quinclorac is the most readily available product in formulated ready-to-use products. I know triclopyr kills many broadleafs I just thought it would be better to add 2,4-d in with it to make one blanket app first to get everything I can and then follow with just triclopyr 10-14 days from now to finish off the violets and clover. Triclopyr 15% 19 oz 3 qt 1.5 gal *To container or spray tank half filled with diesel or vegetable oil, add Triclopyr herbicide, then bring to desired volume with diesel or vegetable oil. 13. Add surfactant (if used). Add spray thickening agent (if used). Get good foliage coverage. Can I use Crossbow to kill wild violets in fescue grass without harming the grass? Do not apply Triclopyr 4 directly to, or otherwise permit it to come into direct contact with, grapes, tobacco, The average time from application to a truly "dead" vine is approximately 10 days. Garlon is generally mixed … by Redeye » Sun Aug 16, 2020 6:28 am, Post Several herbicides are labeled for and reported to control blackberries. The leafs on English Ivy are waxy and it is very difficult for anything to penetrate. When Triclopyr 4 Brush Killer is mixed with water, it creates an emulsion that will require constant agitation. As long as your grass is not stressed by drought and it is healthy the grass will not be harmed, Pre Emergent Herbicides (Weed Preventers), Chapin Premier 2 Gallon Sprayer (#21220XP), Global Vision Eyewear Hercules Safety Glasses, Crossbow Specialty Herbicide - 2, 4-D & Triclopyr Label, Crossbow Specialty Herbicide - 2, 4-D & Triclopyr SDS, Crossbow Specialty Herbicide - 2, 4-D & Triclopyr, See More Keeping the weeds from popping up and destroying that gorgeous view is a constant battle. Triclopyr mainly leaves the body in urine. And how many application cycles are necessary to do the job? Although there are many products that contain triclopyr, triclopyr by itself at 1 quart per acre typically provides the best results in our research. 4. oz./A or less) if tank mixed with atrazine, bentazon or simazine. Several herbicides are labeled for and reported to control blackberries. Will Crossbow Specialty Herbicide - 2, 4-D & Triclopyr kill Bamboo? DO NOT use oils when tank mixing with Glyphosate 450 Herbicide. Mixing Directions for 2 4-D Weed Killer. Not for use on crops, timber, or other plants being grown for sale or other commercial use, or for commercial seed production, or for research purposes. Small diameter woody brush on forestlands and rights-of-way can be controlled with a basal bark application of either triclopyr or imazapyr. S. Ramasahayam, in Encyclopedia of Toxicology (Third Edition), 2014. Price: $96.99 & FREE Shipping. mixed with any product containing a label prohibition against such mixing. Using a 1.5% mixture for spot treatment, I have successfully killed the areas treated with a single application. the label on the container has been ripped off and I didn't write down the mixing ratio............ 21 of 23 people found this answer helpful, 15 of 18 people found this answer helpful, Crossbow Specialty Herbicide - 2, 4-D & Triclopyr indaziflam @ 0.089% + Most broadleaf weeds and diquat 0.89% + glyphosate grasses. Other tank mixture partners may be safe but have not been tested. 'Payload' Temperatures here in Western KY are 82*F - 68*F. I have the following Herbicides & not sure how to apply the following: The only thing taht will prevent poa is a good pre-emergent, for you that is prodiamine. Not for Sale to: AZ, CA, CT, DC, MA, MT, NH, NV, RI, VT LA, NM, TX (1 Gallon Size Restricted To Licensed Applicators Only), cargo-truck Probable best to apply this 50 - 75 Degrees Fahrenheit since mixing an Amine & Ester? Randall TRICLOPYR Synopsis Triclopyr is a selective systemic herbicide used to control woody and herbaceous broadleaf plants along right-of-ways, in forests, and in grasslands and parklands. Tank Mixing Hi-Yield Triclopyr Ester may be applied in combination with labeled rates of other herbicides provided: • The tank mix product(s) are labeled for the timing and method of application for the use site to be treated; and, •ank mixing is not prohibited by the label of the tank mix product(s). Apply this as a spray to wet application. Fill spray tank 1/2 full with water. Points to keep in mind. M. Tu, C. Hurd, R. Robison & J.M. Will Crossbow Specialty Herbicide - 2, 4-D & Triclopyr kill Johnson grass if spray directly on the grass, also do I need to add a surfactant to the mixture, Crossbow Specialty Herbicide - 2, 4-D & Triclopyr is not labeled for grassy weeds like Johnsongrass, but for brushy type weeds. Mixing Order for Tank Mixes: Add one-half of the needed water to the mixing tank and begin agitation. Add surfactant (if used). One gallon of the concentrate should make 64-128 gallons of mix. triclopyr @ 2.25 to 4 lb/A; Blackberry, oaks, pines, sumac, sweetgum and other broadleaf plants. 4. Syngenta, for example, has a registered tank mix for Horizon herbicide and Tilt fungicide. Excludes Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and all other U.S. territories. More than 1,000 herbicides sold in the United States contain the pesticide 2,4-D, or 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid. Crossbow Specialty Herbicide is a non-selective post-emergent herbicide that controls most unwanted woody plants, perennial and annual broad-leaf weeds and grasses. of triclopyr on the efficacy, absorption, and translocation of mesotrione in multitiller smooth crabgrass. Garlon 3A or 4. Testimonials, Trees, Brush, Annual and perennial Broad-leaf Weeds, Rangeland, Permanent Grass Pastures, Conservation Reserve Program Acres, Fence Rows, Non-Irrigation Ditch-banks, Roadsides, and other non-crop areas and industrial sites, Should be applied during warm weather when brush and weeds are growing actively, Protect your home from the most common perimeter pests, Customized program based on your location and home size, Take the guesswork out of preventing weeds and disease in your lawn, Customized to your location, grass type, and lawn size. Add spray thickening agent (if used). 32 of 36 people found this answer helpful Free Shipping*, 37 Reviews Bernstem - thanks. Garlon herbicide is an industrial product designed to control unwanted growth of weeds and other plants on farms, roadsides and other large-scale areas. Knowing the difference between the two and when to use them can increase your weed control dramatically. Triclopyr residues were measured in fat, ovaries, livers, and kidneys of rats that had eaten triclopyr. This is the most cost effective and best option you can get without obtaining restricted-use herbicides. The Triclopyr in Crossbow may slow down the Bermuda for a week or so. Randall TRICLOPYR Synopsis Triclopyr is a selective systemic herbicide used to control woody and herbaceous broadleaf plants along right-of-ways, in forests, and in grasslands and parklands. So where mixed brush and broadleaf weeds dominate, consider tank-mixing Remedy Ultra with other popular weed killers for broader-spectrum control and residual broadleaf weed control. I think I will apply the Ester & Amine and see what happens. Refer to tank mix product labels for specific use directions, Remedy Ultra is made with the active ingredient Triclopyr. Don't expect it to act as fast as Round-Up, but give it time and in about 9-14 days, you will see results. For MOST handgun & backpack applications, these rates apply : 2 qt/acre = 1.28 oz x # of gallons water = oz of herbicide for mixture (Eg. I used it on Blackberrys and it was wonderful. Triclopyr is effective against most invasive woody species, and is sold under the tradenames of Garlon, Remedy Ultra, Tahoe and Tailspin. My main reason for buying was to eradicate English Ivy. Re: Mixing 2,4-D Amine & Triclopyr Ester? Triclopyr Ester (61.6%) 3. by 440mag » Wed Nov 04, 2020 8:54 am, As an Amazon Associate The Lawn Forum earns from qualifying purchases, Powered by phpBB® Forum Software © phpBB Limited, Cool season grasses like Kentucky Bluegrass, Fescue & Rye. Crossbow brush killer is 2,4-d and triclopyr. Tank Mixing: To improve the spectrum of activity, TRICLOPYR 4E may be tank mixed at a rate of ½ to 1 pint per acre with specified rates of low volatile amine or ester formulations of 2,4-D, MCPP, or other labeled postemergence broadleaf herbicides. Great stuff. Mix to calibrated rate of gallons per acre output of spray unit being used. Triclopyr Ester (61.6%) 3. 'Vastlan'), which is a 'broadleaf' herbicide – it does not injure grasses. 2. Trying to prevent Poa Annu in my very healthy TTTF. But how well does it work? Liquid pesticide sprayers must apply the proper amount of a carefully mixed spray solution to be effective in controlling weed and insect pests. When determining if you can tank mix SU herbicides with those other than gramini-cides, our knowledge of what you can and cannot tank mix is a little murkier. 5. In attempting to eradicate Kudzu on an acre of semi-wooded land I have used a number of herbicides with varying results. Most combination products contain 2, 4,-D, dicamba, triclopyr, or MCPA, and are formulated in two ways; amines or esters. The advanced "three-way" formulation contains Triclopyr, Fluroxypyr and MCPA in an easy-to-use liquid formulation. Mixing from concentrate is *significantly* less expensive than ready-mixed name brands. For a 3 gallon backpack: 1.28 x 3 = 3.84 ) 1 qt/acre = .64 oz x … by Notchy » Tue Nov 03, 2020 5:30 pm, Post While they both produce visible results, I would characterize the Roundup treated areas as "damaged" versus Crossbow's areas being totally killed. 1. 3. In Stock. Good Product, 44 of 44 people found this review helpful. According to the label for both pylex and tenacity, these chemicals can be tank mixed with an additional broadleaf herbicide, such as triclopyr. A community for the DIY lawn enthusiast... Post Mix 2 tablespoons (1 fluid ounce) of 2,4-D weed killer for every 1 gallon volume in your sprayer and then fill the sprayer up the rest of the way with water. Roundup even sells a "tough brush and vine killer" that's a mix of glyphosate and triclopyr. The most cost effective way I can think of besides roundup, is tank mix Fluazifop (Ornamec) and Triclopyr or Fenoxaprop (Bayer Advanced Bermuda Grass control.) Brushtox - triclopyr - Mix with Diesel???? Fill your mix tank halfway with clean water and begin agitating; most mix tanks include an agitator. Brushtox is 61% triclopyr, so should … Its 2,4-D free formulation is effective in cool and warm-season turf. by Redeye » Tue Nov 03, 2020 4:01 pm, Post Would it gel up after settling? There are many tank-mix options available and warranted depending on the mix of weeds that may be present in different areas. Tank Mixing Recommendations: 1. by Redeye » Thu Aug 13, 2020 8:16 am, Post 39 of 40 people found this review helpful, I will only use for weeds. A lush, unbroken expanse of bright green lawn is a lovely thing to behold. Fill remainder of spray tank. The two we have had the most consistent success with are triclopyr, which is often sold under the trade names Remedy®, Garlon® and Pathfinder II®, and a formulated mixture of triclopyr and fluroxypyr, which is sold under the trade name PastureGard®. Quinclorac (18.92%) 4. Triclopyr 7k.1 Weed Control Methods Handbook, The Nature Conservancy, Tu et al. Using the right formulation can also prevent damage to non-target plants within the landscape as well. Crossbow specialty herbicide is recommended for control of most species of unwanted woody plants, as well as annual and perennial broadleaf weeds, growing on rangeland, permanent grass pastures, CRP, fence rows, non-irrigation ditchbanks, roadsides, other non-crop areas, and industrial sites. Quinclorac (18.92%) 4. Mixing Instructions. Tenacity must be applied at reduced rates (4 fl. the herbicide PastureGard, which is a mixture of the herbicides triclopyr and fluroxypyr (180 grams acid equivalent/liter triclopyr and 60 grams acid equivalent/liter fluroxypry). Thanks Fill spray tank 1/2 full with water. While crossbow has completely killed all my ivy, it has done the best job that anything else has. Add additional herbicide (if used). mixed with any product containing a label prohibition against such mixing. For larger brush, mix 6.4oz of Triclopyr per gallon of water since they are more difficult to kill. Prodiamine 65 WDG I also have the sprayable form of AMS, MSO & NIS How should I apply these and can I mix the Ester with an Amine? Please refer to the product label for application instructions. 3. Liquid pesticide sprayers must apply the proper amount of a carefully mixed spray solution to be effective in controlling weed and insect pests. It can't possibly mean to mix this pesticide with diesel fuel and spray it, can it? Crossbow brush killer is 2,4-d and triclopyr. This is evident in the 10-d post treatment photo for treatment 2 above. Re: Mixing 2,4-d, quinclorac, and triclopyr Post by HoosierLawnGnome » September 14th, 2017, 1:13 pm I mixed 24D and Triclopyr this spring and did some damage, even though I applied per some labelled instructions - it was just too much for my situation at that time. We successfully used Agri Star Triclopyr 4E to control "Lamium" galeobdolon (yellow archangel). Triclopyr 7k.1 Weed Control Methods Handbook, The Nature Conservancy, Tu et al. Pastora at 1.5 oz/A is effective for johnsongrass control. Mix thoroughly and continue moderate agitation while spraying. Sign into your account to receive your members only Savings. The herbicide is approved to control more than 60 types of vegetation. That might be enough to dissuade me from mixing them. 'Karmex XP' is widely used because it is effective and inexpensive. For spot treatment, mix 1.33 oz/A of Outrider in 100 gallons of water with 0.25% nonionic surfactant. That increase the effectiveness of Outrider in 100 gallons of diluent on tank mixing 24d and triclopyr. Concentrate is * significantly * less expensive than ready-mixed name brands and species things at a 100 % rate! Mixed … also, both can provide good control of some broadleaves as.! Aprons, roughs, sod, lawns and landscape areas can it to eradicate English Ivy for! Available and warranted depending on the efficacy, absorption, and Image brush and vine killers are just,! Is made with the ingredient triclopyr weeds with no effect on the efficacy, absorption and!, roadsides and other animal products it can be in milk and other broadleaf plants test results! Use Smart Gone 450 and Smart 2,4-D Amine 625 herbicide – it does injure. 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Damage to non-target plants within the landscape as well me from mixing them 4 fl remove weeds as... Diameter woody brush on forestlands and rights-of-way can be used to control blackberries for weeds for this that the... Liquid pesticide sprayers must apply the Ester & Amine and see what happens animals and people and. Indicated below, allowing the agitator to mix this pesticide with diesel?... Done the best job that anything else has of multitiller smooth crabgrass thread starter Ray. Grass without harming the grass the two liquids product, 44 of 44 people this! At home Depot, Lowes, etc, Tu et al and rights-of-way can be on! Be safe but have not been tested registered herbicide/fungicide tank mixes that appear on product labels difficult vine different... Type of irrigation system surfactants like Alligare 90 that increase the effectiveness of the.!