Bhagadatta then, on his elephant named Supratika, rushed against them. But Bhima managed to escape from its hold and again got underneath the elephant and in between its limbs and started attacking it. Then commenced a fierce and awful battle between the Pandavas and Bhagadatta, that increased the population of Yama's kingdom. Getting under the elephant's body, he began to strike it frequently with his bare arms. The king of Dasarna charged against Bhagadatta. The king of Dasarna charged against Bhagadatta. It's difficult to see pragjyotisha in a sentence . His grey hairs and the wrinkles on his noble old face gave him the intrepid appearance of a lion. As the Panchalas fled in all directions, loud and awful was the noise that arose amongst them, made by their elephants and steeds. In an instant, it caught Bhima with its trunk and was about to crush him under the knees. In the end, Vibhavasu then cursed Supratik saying, he will take birth as an elephant in the next life. Bhagadatta and Supratika. Yudhishthira heard the cry and, thinking Bhima was slain, urged the forces to destroy Bhagadatta. He carried the seat for the king and his royal flag staff. The shouts of Pandava army fell upon the ears of Arjuna who asks Krishna to take him to Bhagadatta. He was the most dreaded of all animals in the battlefield. Bhima killed all the elephants with his mace. Dasarna's elephant was also a fierce beast and there was great battle between Supratika and Dasarna's elephant. Then the elephant of Bhagadatta, wheeling round and attacking the elephant of the king of the Dasharnas, ripped open the latter's flank and slew it outright. When Arjunaembarked on a campaign of conquest to help his brother Yudhishtraperform the Rajasooya Yagna, Bhagadatta was one of the first Kings who was conquered by the Pandavawarrior. The Amarakosha, a thesaurus of Sanskrit, mentions the names of eight male elephants, that bear the world together, as Airavata, Pundarika, Vamana, Kumunda, Anjana, Pushpa-danta, Sarva-bhauma, and Supratika. MAHABHARATA Many attempts Drona tried Yudhishthira to take, but failed. and the cry was repeated all over Kurukshetra. As Duryodhana was fleeing from Bheema, Bhagadatta, the king of Pragjyotishpur came forward on his magnificent elephant – Supratika. Submitted by on Tue, 31/01/2017 - 10:44 . He was very well known for his skill on his elephant. * Bhagadatta was of very old age. Goading Supratika forward, he trampled and crushed the enemy forces like a storm crushing a forest. In fact he was so old that he tied a scarf on top of his eyes to make sure the drooping skin … Bheema tried to fight with him but, even mighty Bheema found it difficult to defeat elephant. Bhagadatta's elephant has crushed Bhimasena!" Bhagadatta was very famous for the elephant battle with his magnificent beast. Supratika was later killed the same day, by Arjuna's arrows. Then the Pandava warriors, desirous of slaying that prince of elephants, uttered loud shouts and covered it quickly with showers of arrows. Angered by this, the king of Pragjyotisha, Bhagadatta, seated on Supratika, charged against Bhima. He made elephants out of illusions who could torture even the super-strong Supratika, the elephant of Bhagadatta. Bhagadatta fought with Arjuna riding on his gigantic elephant named Supratika. On the twelfth day of the Kurukshetra war, Duryodhana sent a large elephant division against Bhima. He was very well known for his skill on his elephant. Bhagadatta was the oldest man in the battlefield. Bhagadatta was now attacked on all sides, but he did not lose heart. Indeed, having seized him by the neck, that elephant wished to slay him. The Pandava army was relieved when they saw Bhima alive.[5]. They were not any easy target or a comfortable sight even for any great warrior. These bulls among men, frightened out of their wits by that single elephant coursing swiftly, regarded it in that battle as multiplied into many. Bhagadatta then, on his elephant named Supratika, rushed against them. Jayadratha killed by Arjuna; Jayadratha’s father. Having surrounded him with numerous cars, king Yudhishthira that foremost of car-warriors, covered Bhagadatta with keen shafts by hundreds and thousands. Dasarna's elephant was also a fierce beast and there was great battle between Supratika and Dasarna's elephant. Caretaker of Hastinapura. Meanwhile, king Bhagadatta on his elephant, shooting shafts on the foe, looked resplendent like the Sun himself scattering his rays on the earth. Supratika moved forward, wrecking the chariots, killing the cavalry and trampling the infantry under its feet. I.61.9) and represents one of the many proper names used for people and places. Then Bhima ran forward and got under the elephant's body, for he knew the science called Anjalikabedha. Indeed, Bhagadatta, mounted on that elephant of his, began to smite down the Pandavas, like the chief of the celestials mounted on Airavata smiting down the Danavas (in days of old). With its two (fore) legs and trunk contracted, filled with rage, and with eyes rolling, that elephant seemed to consume the son of Pandu (like a blazing fire). One day these two animals were seized by Garuda, who took them in his claws to a mountain and ate them. General News; BY: SUN STAFF . Thereupon, the latter began to quickly turn round like a potter's wheel. Shafts of terrible energy and great impetuosity, shot by car-warriors, fell, O king, on elephants and cars. Bhima mató a todos los elefantes con su maza. Bhagadatta, the great elephant rider came on his elephant – Supratika to fight Bhima. On the 12th day of the war, he was involved in a fierce battle with Arjuna on his World Elephant Supratika, who was being attacked by Bhima.During the course of this battle, Bhagadatta fired the super-weapon Vaishnavastra on Arjuna. Bhagadatta fended off their shafts with his whirling hook. Yudhishthira heard the cry and, thinking Bhima was slain, urged the forces to destroy Bhagadatta. Bhagadatta was a righteous and wise man and held deep regards for Krishna and Pandavas but sided with Kauravas for his daughter. King BHAGADATTA of Pragjyotisha City Narakāsura: Birthdate: estimated before 3083BCE: Death: December 03, -3067 Kurukshetra, Kurukshetra, Haryana, India (MAHABHARATA WAR) Immediate Family: Son of NARAKASURA (BAUMAN) Hiranyāksha Father of BHĀNUMATI Kouravan. Supratika, Bhagadatta's elephant was a warring machine. Yudhishthira heard the cry and, thinking Bhima was slain, urged the forces to destroy Bhagadatta. Bhagadatta, at the time of Mahabharatha war was a pretty old man. Angered by this, the king of Pragjyotisha, Bhagadatta, seated on Supratika, charged against Bhima. [5], Yudhishthira, Bhima's elder brother, was struck in grief and urged his forces to destroy Bhagadatta and Supratika. But this time around, Arjuna did not aim at the armour. Bhima killed all the elephants with his mace. Then Bhagadatta himself with seven lances bright as the rays of the sun, slew his (human) antagonist seated on the elephant just when the latter was about to fall down from his seat. That elephant then, pierced with these shafts, shot with great care, looked resplendent like a mighty mass of clouds penetrated with the rays of the sun. and the cry was repeated all over Kurukshetra. Any arrows shot at the armour were just deflected by the shield as the elephant went on a rampage mode. And the Pandava army cheered when they saw Bhima alive. Supratika (Bhagadatta's elephant) A sculpture of Bhagadatta, seated on Supratika and fighting with Bhima, at the Chennakesava Temple, Belur. Bhagadatta had had a special and very strong armour created for his elephant – Supratika. A survey of transcendental weaponry. 15 relations: Arjuna, Bhagadatta, Bhauma dynasty, Bhima, Harshacharita, Kalika Purana, Kamarupa, Kaurava, Kurukshetra War, Narakasura, Pragjyotisha Kingdom, Puranas, Supratika, Vajradatta, World Elephant. He was among the few to pose a threat to Bhagadatta and Bhishma. Sutra He was also known as ‘Friend of Indra’. Then Bhagadatta hurled at him fourteen lances of sharp points, that were bright as the rays of the sun. Ignoring the enemies around him, he drove his beast on Satyaki's chariot. They surrounded Bhagadatta and covered him with volleys of arrows. But neither Bhagadatta nor Supratika could be checked and the elephant continued its rampage. May 28, 2017 - He was also a commander in chief of Kaurava's army and was also a mighty warrior riding his almost undefeatable elephant named Supratika. Bhagadatta - WikiMili, The Free Encyclopedia - … Arjuna's son then pierced him with a dozen shafts, and Yuyutsu with ten, and each of the sons of Draupadi pierced him with three shafts and Dhrishtaketu also pierced him with three. On the 12th day of the war, he was involved in a fierce battle with Arjuna on his World Elephant Supratika, who was being attacked by Bhima. He pierced Devaki's son with many arrows made wholly of black iron, equipped with wings of gold, whetted on stone, and shot from his bow, drawn to the fullest stretch. His grey hairs and the wrinkles on his noble old face gave him the intrepid appearance of a lion. Yudhishthira heard the cry and, thinking Bhima was slain, urged the forces to destroy Bhagadatta. Supratika. That arrow, splitting the elephant like the thunder splitting a mountain, penetrated into its body to the very wings, like a snake penetrating into an ant-hill. and the cry was repeated all over Kurukshetra. Enraged at this, the elephant got mad and tried to throw him off. Twisting the elephant's trunk, Bhima freed himself from its twine, and once more got under the body of that huge creature. Arjuna, however, cut each of those lances into three fragments. Often, they were the last two beings even highly skilled warriors would see, before meeting their end. On 12th day of war, when Kauravas sent elephant army, Bhima vanished all the elephants creating havoc in Kaurava Sena. When the warriors of the Pandava army hurled missiles at it, Supratika's fury increased and Bhagadatta goaded it to greater devastation. Bhagadatta, Son of Naraka, was on Kaurava side in great war. Treading down Yuyutsu's steeds, the animal then slew the charioteer. Bhagadatta fights using his elephant Supratika When those troops, thus broken, fled away in all directions, the ruler of the Pragjyotishas then advanced against Bhima, upon his elephant. And he came, O sinless one, scattering thousands of arrows from the head of Supratika (whereon he stood) like the illustrious Purandara himself on his Airavata. With the elephants Duryodhana, To trample the forces of Bhima, To support him, Duryodhana Came there along with Karna. Meanwhile, king Yudhishthira, thinking Vrikodara to have been slain, surrounded Bhagadatta on all sides, aided by the Panchalas. Share your thoughts, experiences and the tales behind the art. Yudhishthira, Bhima's elder brother, was struck in grief and urged his forces to destroy Bhagadatta and Supratika. He sided with Kaurava in the Mahabharata war as he was an enemy of Lord Krishna. Though urged repeatedly then by Bhagadatta, the elephant refused to obey like a poor man's wife her lord. Yudhishthira heard the cry and, thinking Bhima was slain, urged the forces to destroy Bhagadatta. Bhagadatta's elephant has crushed Bhimasena!" Autoplay next video. Then Bhagadatta, that king of the mountainous regions, frustrating with his iron hook that shower of arrows, began to consume both the Pandavas and the Panchalas by means of that elephant of his. In Hindu ancient epic there were three elephants by the name Supratika. The king of Dasarna charged against Bhagadatta. Bhagadatta's elephant has crushed Bhimasena!" Supratika - Wikipedia The Hindu epic Mahabharata describes two more elephants by the same name – a mythical elephant that was an incarnation of a sage, and the one that belonged to Bhagadatta… I.61.9) and represents one of the many proper names used for people and places. But when he got underneath the elephant for the second time, hiding in between its legs, the Kaurava army thought he had been slain by the beast. In the Battle of Kurukshetra, Bhagadatta fought on the side of the Kauravas. Bhagadatta attacked Arjuna on Supratika like the Destroyer incarnate But from REL 121 at University of Southern California Many terms are matched to Hinduism and Buddhism video, audio & text links so they can be experienced in action. On the 12th day of the war, he was involved in a fierce battle with Arjuna on his World Elephant Supratika, who was being attacked by Bhima. Supratika then, seizing Bhima by its trunk, threw him down by means of its knees. It pounded Vrikodara's car with the steed yoked thereto into dust. King Bhagadatta And Elephant Supratika Poem by Rajaram Ramachandran. Bheema tried to injure Supratika while going underneath it but in vain. That prodigious beast, then seizing the car of Shinis grandson, hurled it to a distance with great force. In the Battle of Kurukshetra, Bhagadatta fought on the side of the Kauravas. He was very well known for his skill on his elephant. Bhima was hopeful that another elephant from the Pandava side would come for his rescue in the meanwhile. Supratika represents is located in the north-east direction, the quarter of Soma. The very name Supratika struck terror into the hearts of the enemies. During the course of this battle, Bhagadatta fired a potent weapon called Vaisnava-astra at Arjuna. Piercing king Bhagadatta then (with many arrows), Yudhishthira surrounded him on all sides with a large number of cars. Bhagadatta, the king of the mountain realms and his elephant, were very famous. The armour thus cut off, fell down on the earth. Autoplay next video. Then Kriti's son, Ruchiparvan, mounted on his car, quickly rushed against Bhagadatta, scattering showers of arrows and advancing like the Destroyer himself. Bhima was hopeful that another elephant from the Pandava side would come for his rescue in the meanwhile. Upon the fall of the heroic Ruchiparvan, Subhadra's son and the sons of Draupadi, and Chekitana, and Dhrishtaketu, and Yuyutsu began to afflict the elephant. During the Battle of Kurukshetra, Bhagadatta was involved in a fierce battle with Arjuna on his elephant Supratika. The eight Diggajas - male elephants that bear the world together are: Airavata, Pundarika, Vamana, Kumuda, Anjana, Pushpadanta, Sarvabhauma, and Supratika. In the Battle of Kurukshetra, Bhagadatta fought on the side of the Kauravas.He was very well known for his skill on his elephant. That prince of elephants, struck by its rider with hook, resembled, a winged mountain of old. Bhagadatta's elephant has crushed Bhimasena!" [3], On the twelfth day of the Kurukshetra War, Duryodhana sent a large elephant division against Bhima. Also, he avenged the death of his cousin, Iravan, by killing Alambhusa. He was very well known for his skill on his elephant. The mighty elephant of Bhagadutta really created disastrous effect on Pandava army .Neither Bhima,nor Satyaki nor Abhimanyu could tackle the elephant. Enraged at this, the elephant got mad and tried to throw him off. And he came, O sinless one, scattering thousands of arrows from the head of Supratika (whereon he stood) like the illustrious Purandara himself on his Airavata. Little know story of Bhagadatta, who challenged Arjuna in the Mahabharata war Bhagadatta was the son of a demon named Narakasura, who was slain by Lord Krishna in a battle. In an instant, it caught Bhima with its trunk and was about to crush him under the knees. The elephant rushed forward and crushed Bhima's chariot into pieces, killing his charioteer and horses. His charioteer also, abandoning the large steeds of the Sindhu breed, yoked unto that car, quickly followed Satyaki and stood where the latter stopped. With its two (fore) legs and trunk contracted, filled with rage, and with eyes rolling, that elephant seemed to consume the son of Pandu (like a blazing fire). At that moment, Bhima emerged from below Supratika and ran out safe. Life in mythology He was an almost undefeatable elephant and has been decked up with golden armour. Goading Supratika forward, he trampled and crushed the enemy forces like a storm crushing a forest. Supratīka (सुप्रतीक).—The name of King Bhagadatta’s elephant that was very formidable during the battle of Kurukṣetra. Partha then cut off Bhagadatta's bow and slaying next the warrior that protected his elephant from the flank, began to fight with him as if in sport. Shafts of terrible energy and great impetuosity, shot by car-warriors, fell, O king, on elephants and cars. Mounted on that foremost of elephants, king Bhagadatta penetrated the hostile army like the Asura Virochana in days of old into the celestial host in battle well-protected by the gods. Arjuna, a while later, also killed Bhagadutta. While Partha and Krishna were thus engaged with the ruler of the Pragjyotishas, all creatures regarded them to be very near the jaws of Death. Utilising his time, Bhima emerged from beneath Supratika and fled. Arjuna is in a dilemma. 1 As the Panchalas fled in all directions, loud and awful was the noise that arose amongst them, made by … Then the king of the Pragjyotisha, pressing (with his toe) his huge elephant, urged him towards the car of Yuyudhana. El duodécimo día de la Guerra de Kurukshetra, Duryodhana envió una gran división de elefantes contra Bhima. and the cry was repeated all over Kurukshetra. A monkey chief ; at siege of Lanka. It filled the hearts of the enemy with fear, like to what merchants experience at sight of the surging sea. The elephant crushed the chariot of Bheema while he himself could barely escape being crushed under the elephant. Bhagadatta’s elephant was called Supratika which was a fierce beast and had created a lot of problems for the Pandava army. They were not any easy target or a comfortable sight even for any great warrior. Thanks for A2A I will start from Supratika the elephant,about which so many misconceptions are seen and spread. * Bhagadatta was of very old age. Then elephants and car-warriors and steeds and kings, flying away in fear, made, as they fled, a loud and awful din that filled the earth and sky and heaven and the cardinal and subsidiary directions in that battle. While the Pandava troops were thus destroyed by Bhagadatta, Bhima, excited with rage, once more rushed against the ruler of the Pragjyotisha. Urged then by its skilful rider with heel, hook, and toe the animal advanced quickly with trunk stretched, and eyes and cars fixed. Bhagadatta (भगदत्त) is a name mentioned in the Mahābhārata (cf. A battle then ensued between Bhagadatta and the Pāṇḍava forces mounted on elephants, led by the Dasharna king. Endued with the might of ten thousand elephants, the blessed Vrikodara, having struck that elephant thus, came out from under Supratika's body and stood facing the latter. But this time around, Arjuna did not aim at the armour., Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 18 August 2020, at 06:36. Angered by this, the king of Pragjyotisha, Bhagadatta, seated on Supratika, charged against Bhima. Then, the mighty-armed and high-souled Arjuna fearlessly struck a long arrow between the frontal globes of his enemy's elephant. He was Bhagadatta. The Pandava army was relieved when they saw Bhima alive. The Hindu epic Mahabharata describes two more elephants by the same name – an elephant that was an incarnation of a sage, and the one that belonged to Bhagadatta, the king of Pragjyotisha. Then Bhagadatta, that ruler of the hilly regions, possessed of beautiful limbs, despatched Ruchiparvan with a straight shaft to Yama's abode. Bhagadatta had had a special and very strong armour created for his elephant – Supratika. Supratika (elefante de Bhagadatta) Una escultura de Bhagadatta, sentada en Supratika y luchando con Bhima, en el templo de Chennakesava, Belur. Bhagadatta was a king of the kingdom of Langkasuka who established contacts with China in the 6th century. Supratika represents is located in the north-east direction, the quarter of Soma. Supratika means something in Hinduism, Sanskrit. Then commenced a fierce and awful battle between the Pandavas and Bhagadatta, that increased the population of Yama's kingdom. Hence, he charged on Bheema. In the Battle of Kurukshetra, Bhagadatta fought on the side of the Kauravas. He smote that invincible elephant which was bent upon slaying him. Twisting the elephant's trunk, Bhima freed himself from its twine, and once more got under the body of that huge creature. The battle then that took place between those two elephants of awful size, resembled that between two winged mountains overgrown with forests in days of old. This created a havoc among the Kaurava army and they fled for their life in all directions. The king of Dasarna charged against Bhagadatta. Indeed, the feat that was then beheld, achieved by old Bhagadatta with his elephant, was highly wonderful. Anjanavati is believed to be the wife of Supratika. Staying on his elephant amid car-warriors encompassing him all around, he looked resplendent like a blazing fire on a mountain-top in the midst of a dense forest. Indeed, having seized him by the neck, that elephant wished to slay him. Resplendent on his elephant, he shone like a forest fire on a hill. At that moment, Bhima emerged from below Supratika and ran out safe. Anger and greed caused them to be born as animals in their next birth. Those shafts whose touch resembled that of fire, equipped with beautiful feathers, and shot by Bhagadatta, passing through Devaki's son, entered the earth. He was a leader of great army of Kirat and Chinas were also joined with Kiratas. Angered by this, the king of Pragjyotisha, Bhagadatta,[4] seated on Supratika, charged against Bhima. He also destroyed the demon Alayudha and his army as well in a very fierce battle. Bhagadatta was the son of Narakasura, king of the Pragjyotisha Kingdom and second in line of kings of Naraka dynasty.He was succeeded by his son Vajradatta.He sided with Kaurava in the Mahabharata war as he was an enemy of Lord Krishna. In grief and urged his forces to destroy Bhagadatta by the shield as the rays the! The Mahabharata as a tortoise elephants in war Somadatta but neither Bhagadatta nor Supratika could be and... 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