Others again cite the old-established power and productivity of Crete; the immense advantage it derived from insularity, natural fertility and geographical relation to the wider area of east Mediterranean civilizations; and the absence of evidence elsewhere for the gradual growth of a culture powerful enough to dominate the Aegean. At the Cambridge observatory Airy soon gave evidence of his remarkable power of organization. Neumayr finds evidence of the existence of a continent between Africa and South America, which protruded into the central North Atlantic, in Jurassic times. This theory would reconcile the conflicting evidence, that of those who saw Charles writing parts and read the MS. before publication, and the deliberate statements of Gauden. Marie Jeanne, in fact, took great care of the child's person, and there is documentary evidence to prove that he had air and food. There is a certain amount of evidence that at any rate in some cases light is necessary, and that the violet rays of the spectrum are chiefly concerned. Text Evidence Sentence starters Includes 12 sentence start posters The posters can serve as a reminder for how students can write and discuss finding evidence in the text. . . whereas that of the Mediterranean inclined in the other direction, And now the Bohemian Assyriologist Prof. Hrozny has brought forward evidence s that the cuneiform script adopted by the Hittites from the Mesopotamians expressed an Indo-European tongue, nearly akin to Latin! Textual Evidence Sentence Starters Donât know how to startâ¦.grab one of these sentences starters to help you get on your way! . (1901), pp. In the light of contemporary monuments, archaeological evidence, the progress of scientific knowledge and the recognized methods of modern historical criticism, the representation of the origin of mankind and of the history of the Jews in the Old Testament can no longer be implicitly accepted. As far west, therefore, as the Cordillera, there is no evidence that any part of the region was ever beneath the sea in Mesozoic times, and the plant-remains indicate a land connexion with Africa. This is significant because (explain significance in a way that directly relates to the claim). We might at first suppose that the sun was really an intensely heated body radiating out its heat as does white-hot iron, but this explanation cannot be admitted, for there is no historical evidence that the sun is growing colder. There isn't a lick of evidence to put Byrne anywhere near that dough. The explorations conducted in 1905 added positive evidence. There is evidence that ships were built at Woolwich in the reign of Henry VII., but it was. Certainly the evidence as to his health is somewhat conflicting. Additional evidence as to the structure of the molecule was discussed by Avogadro in 1811, and by Ampere in 1814. We have no direct evidence as to the institutions of the Seleucid court in the 3rd century. Much more satisfactory as evidence are some 5th century torsos of Athena found at Athens. Evidence of this is to be found in the altitudes of the stations on the Buenos Aires and Pacific railway running a little north of west across the pampas to Mendoza. The phenomenon of allotropy is not confined to the non-metals, for evidence has been advanced to show that allotropy is far commoner than hitherto supposed. i, 2, 3"; see Crete), there is evidence of a perfectly orderly and continuous evolution in, at any rate, ceramic art. On the road to Rome a famous vision took place, as to which we have the evidence of Ignatius himself. EVIDENCE ⢠The scientific data that supports the claim o Data are observations or measurements OR results from an experiment o Specific examples o Use numbers and data table information Sentence Starters ⢠In the data ⦠⢠The evidence used to support _____ is _____. where this condition is usually not to be observed, there is embryological evidence that the existing state of affairs is derived from this. From the somewhat conflicting evidence of mythology it may be gathered that in prehistoric days Megara had maritime intercourse with the southern Aegean. Of all the Asiatic ranges the Himalayan is, geologically, the best known; and the evidence which it affords shows clearly that the folds to which it owes its elevation were produced by an overthrust from the north. There is evidence that the request was prompted by the king, and his consent was given as a matter of course. Much as we believe he's culpable, we don't have any hard evidence. This type of stern is therefore often spoken of as protoslelic. The Aske Stables, Aske, Richmond, North Yorkshire, U.K. 10F, 205, Teheran-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea, 2850, ShuBLDG, 2-28-10, Ebisu, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, 150-0013, Japan, 01-102, 1F, Building 25, Hanhe Garden, Haidian District, Beijing, China, stating information that is not “common knowledge”, drawing conclusions, making inferences, or suggesting implications based on specific data, identifying representative examples of a category, emphasizing a point by highlighting a specific situation. . These and other experiments, described by Dr Manson in the Practitioner for March 1900, confirming the laboratory evidence as they do, leave no doubt whatever of the correctness of the mosquito-parasitic theory of malaria. There is evidence of its vogue in Holland in the 17th century, for the painting by David Teniers (1610-1690), in the Scottish National Gallery at Edinburgh, is wrongly described as "Peasants playing at Skittles.". Further evidence on the point is, unfortunately, not at present forthcoming. It has been placed, upon the evidence of somewhat doubtful traditions, as late as 1766. More importantly, Dean now realized that the only real evidence that the remains from the mine were human had disappeared. Cicero's evidence is the less valuable in that he always assumed that Menedemus was a follower of the Megarians. The original evidence is to be found in E. Far better both as draughtsman and as authority was George Edwards, who in 1 743 began, under the same title as Albin, a series of plates with letterpress, which was continued by the name of Gleanings in Natural History, and finished in 1760, when it had reached seven parts, forming four quarto volumes, the figures of which are nearly always quoted with approval.4 The year which saw the works of Edwards completed was still further distinguished by the appearance in France, where little had been done since Belon's days,' in six quarto volumes, of the Ornithologie of MathurinJacques Brisson - a work of very great merit so far as it goes, for as a descriptive ornithologist the author stands even now unsurpassed; but it must be said that his knowledge, according to internal evidence, was confined to books and to the external parts of birds' skins. Jennifer didn't press them on the specifics of the evidence. As an example, when a country faces economic recession, polls indicate that over 80% of the population supports . . He had made special inquiries of the authorities of the Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and Hobart museums, and published questions in the newspapers, but no evidence has reached him that the eggs of Ornithorhyncus have ever been obtained except by the dissection of the mother. The testimony afforded Sources by inscriptions is often of decisive importance, especially that of commemorative or votive tablets or of boundary = stones found in situ; the value of this evidence is, on the other hand, sometimes neutralized owing to the former removal of building material already used and its in corporation in later structures. 455. This occurrence is rare. Sentence Starters to introduce evidence and analyze evidence: [Answer question clearly]. The causal link between A and B, which is made apparent when B triggers . To clarify, not all government-funded facilities provide . Dialekte, p. 97) the evidence of tradition (especially Aristotle, Pol. In a typical situation, marsupials would . Just contact us. From certain indications in the latter and the evidence of some odd leaves discovered by David Laing, it has been concluded that there was an earlier Edinburgh edition, which has been ascribed to Thomas Davidson, printer, and dated c. 1540. Use the following sentence starters: The author states⦠For example, For instance, According to (title of text/book)⦠In your own words, explain Use the following sentence starters: Direct Quote-use quotation marks Indirect Quote-paraphrase with no quotation marks E-Explain how the evidence supports your answer. But the evidence does not allow us to trace the earlier progress of the ideas. evidence. The date of the evidence, however, has not been fixed with unanimity, and this very The musical service of the temple has no place in the Pentateuch, but was considerably developed under the second temple and attracted the special attention of Greek observers (Theophrastus, apud Porphyry, de Abstin. II), much of the legal procedure ascribed to him must belong on internal grounds (religious, ethical and sociological evidence) to a postMosaic age. . As a case in point, let’s look at the situation in which . Thence he despatched telegrams to Italy throwing blame for the defeat upon his troops, a proceeding which sub- sequent evidence proved to be as unjustifiable as it was unsoldierlike. EVIDENCE The scientific data that supports the claim. is briefly outlined . . From Australia, where we have the best chance of studying rudimentary religion in some bulk, comes a certain amount of evidence showing that in the two ways just mentioned some inchoate prayer is being evolved. Though the Gilgamesh Epic is known to us chiefly from the fragments found in the royal collection of tablets made by Assur-bani-pal, the king of Assyria (668-626 B.C.) This treatment of history can be at once corrected by the books of Samuel, but it is only from a deeper study of the internal evidence that these, too, appear to give expression to doubtful and conflicting views. Even, however, with this reservation, it is difficult to resist the mass of evidence as a whole. It must be pointed out that, however probable Haeckel's theory may be in other respects, there is not the slightest evidence for any such cleft in the umbrella having been present at any time, and that the embryological evidence, as already pointed out, is all against any homology between the stem and a manubrium, since the primary siphon does not become the stem, which arises from the ex-umbral side of the protocodon and is strictly comparable to a stolon. English Language Arts Guidebook Units. The evidence supplied by this and other Cretan sites shows that the principal Minoan divinity was a kind of Magna Mater, a Great Mother or nature goddess, with whom was associated a male satellite. As regards (b), external evidence has already suggested to scholars that there were Israelites in Palestine before the invasion; internal historical criticism is against the view that all the tribes entered under Joshua; and in (a) there are traces of an actual settlement in the land, entirely distinct from the cycle of narratives which prepare the way for (b). Although there is no direct evidence of the fact, there can be no doubt that he left St Andrews to complete his education abroad, and that he probably studied at the university of Paris, and visited Italy and Germany. The naïve impression that each period of history was handled by some more or less contemporary authority is not confirmed by a criticism which confines itself strictly to the literary evidence. There is no evidence to show that they were in any way connected with any of the plots of the Commonwealth or Restoration periods. . Evidence sentence examples. Nocturnal marsupials, for example, have . of the dam became flooded, so that a complete examination of the archaeology of the district had to be carried out in order to save historical evidence from destruction. This conclusion is not yet universally accepted, but it seems difficult on the evidence to avoid the conclusion that Prof. Hrozny is right, and if so the curious resemblances of some of the externals of Roman and Hittite religion, and the legendary and other connexions between the Etruscans and Asia Minor, are seen in a new light. For the history of Pali before the canonical books were composed we have no direct evidence. . . Certain central Aegean islands, Antiparos, Ios, Amorgos, Syros and Siphnos, were all found to be singularly rich in evidence of the middle-Aegean period. 44 8 -447), independent evidence for the position of Judah is needed, since a catastrophe apparently befell the unfortunate state before Nehemiah appears upon the scene. . This was more evidence of Howie's ineptness at the everyday chores the rest of us took for granted. Murder seems a real stretch, given lack of motive—nothing missing, no evidence or anything else usual to a homicide. They are not put forward as the result of an independent review of the evidence. - Much of the evidence is contained in archaeological periodicals, especially Annual of the British School at Athens (1900-); Monumenti Antichi and Rendiconti d. On the other hand, they are valid evidence for whatever is necessary to their own explanation, i.e. . I observed that_____. A typical way of starting a sentence in English is with the subject. There is thus a considerable body of evidence to support Bowers view of the primitive nature of the sporophyll. The island is home to many native carnivorous plants, such as Venus flytraps. The duty of collecting and weighing evidence for himself was at every turn impressed upon the boy; he was taught to accept no opinion on authority. The most striking general change has been against seeing in the facts of ontogeny any direct evidence as to phylogeny. Perfect for printing on cardstock and laminatin I need concrete evidence before I'm a believer and I don't see that on the horizon. Note: This is also available in Spanish. - The leading features of Aegean civilization, as deduced from the evidence, must be stated very briefly. There is some evidence that the "tradition of the six canoes" does not represent the first contact of the Polynesian race with New Zealand. A The ganglia of the nervous _ Tre system offer some important evidence as to the morphology of the head, and are alluded to below. . Some halophytes tend - to lose their succulence when cultivated in a nonsaline soil; and some non-halophytes tend to become succulent when cultivated in a salty soil; there is, it need scarcely be stated, little or no evidence that such characters are transmitted. It is unlikely that current population growth rates are sustainable. More Sentence Starters for Your Reasoning The most logical conclusion that can be drawn from this evidence is that (rephrase your claim) because (your analysis). I don't know what Arthur Atherton is up to but he has no more evidence your husband is alive than the man in the moon. .. This is a primal necessity of the protoplast,and every cell gives evidence of its need by adopting one of the various ways in which such need is supplied. general acceptance of evolution; but it seems established as a historical fact that the world has come to accept evolution, first, because of Darwin's theory of natural selection, and second, because of Darwin's exposition of the evidence for the actual occurrence of organic evolution. . [use relevant style guide’s in-text citation format], As [Author] indicated/ stated/ discovered. Evidence of the intense interest taken by American visitors in Stratford is seen in the memorial fountain and clock-tower presented in 1887, and in a window in the church illustrating scenes from the Incarnation and containing figures from English and American history. Bird Song was as quiet as an empty church with none of the remaining guests in evidence, nor was there any sign the police had returned. . Evidence in support of this view is sought for in the accounts in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle and elsewhere, where the decisions of the witan were received with loud expressions of approval or of disapproval by an assembled crowd, and it is argued that this is a survival from an earlier age, when all the freemen attended the witan. . It helps learners to add structure to thier longer pieces of writing. LIBRARY AND LEARNING SERVICES | SENTENCE STARTER To present inconclusive ideas Perhaps . What do you think some prosecuting attorney would say with this evidence? the anglerfish and lantern fish). . It is not only a key to much of his later work - to nearly all indeed that was published in his lifetime - but in it are founded several definite groups (for example, Passerinae and Picariae) that subsequent experience has shown to be more or less natural; and it further serves as additional evidence of the breadth of his views, and his trust in the teachings of anatomy. (3) It is doubtful whether there are any actual inscriptions which can be referred with certainty to the language of the Ligures, but some other evidence seems to link them with the -CO- peoples, whose early distribution is discussed under VoLscI and LIGURIA. I can't see where there's near enough evidence to nail Fitzgerald over Billy's death, or that there ever will be. The evidence of a partial restoration of the domestic quarter of the palace of Cnossus tends to show a certain measure of dynastic continuity. . The equivalence of the four hydrogen atoms of methane rested on indirect evidence, e.g. Geological evidence shows that this gap was once bridged by a continuous isthmus which according to the temple records was breached by a violent storm in 1480. Jones, who accused him of endeavouring to stifle the evidence against the Romanists. Evans, coming on the scene in 1893, travelled in succeeding years about the island picking up trifles of unconsidered evidence, which gradually convinced him that greater things would eventually be found. We have undoubted fossil evidence that winged insects lived in the Devonian and became numerous in the Carboniferous period. Evidence is accumulating, though no completely satisfactory theory can yet be put forward, as to the northern origin of the dynastic Egyptians. Since there was no evidence to prove the suspect was guilty, the police had to let him go. There wasn't any evidence to suggest other than an unfortunate accident. The exact meaning of these features is not clear, but if it be remembered (a) that the Levites of post-exilic literature represent only the result of a long and intricate development, (b) that the name "Levite," in the later stages at least, was extended to include all priestly servants, and (c) that the priesthoods, in tending to become hereditary, included priests who were Levites by adoption and not by descent, it will be recognized that the examination of the evidence for the earlier stages cannot confine itself to those narratives where the specific term alone occurs. ð DNA evidence proved that the accused killer was in fact at the crime scene that night. The theory which meets this difficulty is that which has in its favour the greatest weight of evidence, viz. Don't condemn him before you hear the evidence. It may be divided into three divisions, upper, lower and middle, each of which is distinguished by special physical features, and has played a conspicuous part in the world's history, retaining to the present day monumental evidence of the races who have lined its banks. There is some evidence to show that it was used in consecrating bishops up to 1552, and also that its use was revived by the Laudian bishops in the 17th century (Hierurgia anglicana ii. It may also dismiss a case on grounds of insufficient evidence. . . . He had become convinced that his comrades in the Utilitarian Society, never more than ten, had not the stuff in them for a world-shaking propaganda; the society itself was dissolved; the Parliamentary Review was a failure; the Westminster did not pay its expenses; Bentham's Judicial Evidence produced little effect on the reviewers. There is, however, no evidence whatever for this, the gonads of Hydra being purely ectodermal structures, while all medusoid gono phores have an endodermal portion. Greater weight must be laid upon the independent evidence of the prophetical writings, and the objection that Palestine could not have produced the religious fervency of Haggai or Zechariah without an initial impulse from Babylonia begs the question. The following figures show the average yields per acre of the selected plots at Rothamsted over six 8-yearly periods from 1852 to 1899, and afford evidence that the higher yield of later years is due to the seasons: Bushels (of 60 lb) Average of - per acre. 2 - The course of events from the middle of the 6th century B.C. So in Scotland, Thomas Erskine and Thomas Chalmers - the latter in contradiction to his earlier position - hold that the doctrine of salvation, when translated into experience, furnishes " internal evidence " - a somewhat broader use of the phrase than when it applies merely to evidence of date or authorship drawn from the contents of a book. The probability is that this mechanism is to be found in green plants in the leavesat any rate there is a certain body of evidence pointing in this direction. 318. The extraordinary number of craters, a few of which are reported still to be active, gives evidence that the archipelago is the result of volcanic action. But there was satisfaction in seeing from day to day the evidence of growing mastery and the possibility of final success. The boys wore long hair and striped sweaters and yelled their college yell every other step they took, to the great satisfaction of the populace, which was glad to have this evidence that their lungs were in good condition. In seeking for an explanation we may perhaps trust, at least in part, the evidence of the Ethnicon itself. But great stress was laid on the production of written evidence. Once again there was no evidence to make Jeffrey Byrne's death anything but an accidental drowning. In other words, short bursts of high-intensity ultrasound can . Views on⦠range from⦠5. . There is no evidence that this plan of Edison's was practically operative as a system of telegraphy. . The saving of cost is effected in two ways: (I) Instead of having to incur the expenses of a protracted inquiry before parliament, the promoters of a light railway under the act of 1896 make an application to the light railway commissioners, who then hold a local inquiry, to obtain evidence of the usefulness of the proposed railway, and to hear objections to it, and, if they are satisfied, settle the draft order and hand it over to the Board of Trade for confirmation. As a result, In their present form they are not of the beginning of the 6th century and, if the evidence for Artaxerxes III. By way of illustration, less than 20% of new matriculants feel prepared for . The evidence of the peat bogs shows that the Scots fir, which is now extinct, was abundant in Denmark in the Roman period. 3 From Tema in north Arabia, also, there is monumental evidence of the 5th century B.C. How these works stand related to one another can only be determined by internal evidence. In spite of all the evidence, Yancey still came out as a responsible adult. We got to leave room for important things like evidence. Many volumes containing accounts of such phenomena have been printed, and appeal is often made to the mass of evidence so accumulated. He infers, from these facts, that there is no sure evidence for the authorship of the fourth and fifth treatises. 54), Apocolocyntosis (" pumpkinification"), is evidence that, as early as Seneca's lifetime, apotheosis was in use for the recognition of a departed emperor as a god. As a case in point, the last known male northern white rhinoceros . The evidence for the catastrophes under Artaxerxes I. As soon as Dean mentioned the luggage and briefcase locked in the trunk of the car, Fred insisted on protecting this valuable evidence by bringing them in—just for safekeeping. Southern customers objected to its blue color, which is the evidence of its purity, as if it were muddy, and preferred the Cambridge ice, which is white, but tastes of weeds. His constructive theory comes at the end, and seems to argue thus: Since (i) there is no discoverable reason why we 3 Mansel's theism (or natural theology), and the revelation he believes in, seem both of them pure matters of assertion on his part, without evidence, or even in the teeth of the evidence as he conceives it. These abstentions are prescribed for the king and a few other persons; there is no evidence that they were observed by all the people. In some cases this may prove to be true, but in most evidence to that effect is wanting. If the latter epistle could be finally established as genuine, or its date fixed, it would give important evidence with regard to Ephesians; but in the present state of discussion we must confine ourselves to pointing out the fact. Write a sentence that states your claim. But the destruction of Jerusalem is not quite unique, and somewhat later we meet with indirect evidence for at least one similar disaster upon which the records are silent. Its most suggestive likenesses are indicated above, but further evidence may render the similarity less striking when the meaning of it is more fully understood. While I had no direct evidence the attendees were all registered sex offenders, the way they nodded and agreed at the mention of deviant sexual behavior made me feel I might be unique among like penitents. At the same time it should be remembered that many points await elucidation, and it is unwise to assume conclusions in advance of the evidence. No evidence has yet been found of any alterations made, after that time, in Ceylon; but there were probably before that time, in India, other books, now lost, and other recensions of some of the above. In my FREEBIE, I have included the Text Evidence Sentence Starters colored version {above}, and a black and white version. Palaeontological evidence conclusively proves that the surface of the earth has been successively occupied by vegetative forms of increasing complexity, rising from the simplest algae to the most highly organized flowering plant. But if the bishop think the evidence insufficient, the affair shall be referred to the emperor, by way of appeal both from bishop and judge. Data are observations or measurements OR results from an experiment. Contracts annulled were ordered to be broken. The only known bioluminescent vertebrates are fish (e.g. The differences between the form of the written history and the conditions which prevailed have impressed themselves variously upon modern writers, and efforts have been made to recover from the Old Testament earlier forms more in accordance with the external evidence. Examples of Evidence in a sentence. She skipped back to the jeep, her earlier reluctance nowhere in evidence. In fact, so far as the direct evidence of our senses tells us, matter appears to be indefinitely divisible. . 172-173), was disputed by Strype's contemporary, Sir Edmund Lechmere, who asserted on not very satisfactory evidence (ib. The first set provides evidence as to the molecular weight of a substance: these are termed " colligative properties.". Again, the appeal to " God's judgment " in the trial by battle in Lohengrin is a subject of which no earlier librettist could have made more than a plausible mess - which is the best that can be said for the music as music. and shrubs no doubt in early times were also used for this purpose, but what evidence there is goes against the medieval. Are struck with the subject the causal link between a and B, which is a surer guide than lines. Admits of a decision as to the latter theory we may perhaps be a fiction of an Alexandrian writer Epistle. 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