Othello murders her and, upon discovering Iago's deceit, kills himself. Question: How does Othello's suicide affect us as a matter of morals, and as to the dramatic necessities of the play? Not affiliated with Harvard College. Iago hates the Moor mostly out of jealousy and the fact than he has not chosen Iago as his lieutenant. -“Come hither, Moor: / I here do give thee that with all my heart/ Which, but thou hast already, with all my heart/ I would keep from thee.—For your sake, jewel,/ I am glad at soul I have no other child;/ For thy escape would teach me tyranny, / to hang clogs on them.—I have done, my lord. It was given to his mother by an Egyptian witch. What is the situation at sea? Othello burst at Iago, but we stopped him. The repetition shows that Othello is trying to force himself to kill Desdemona because he really does not want. Iago wanted to plant it in Cassio’s possession to show Othello that Desdemona had given it as a favor to Cassio.-Emilia finds Desdemona’s handkerchief (given to her by Othello). 4. Cast. When alone, Othello and Iago discuss relationships and commitment. -Michael Cassio was named lieutenant. The Turkish fleet was separated and completely destroyed by the tempests at sea because they were not bayed and shelters. How does Iago trick Othello into thinking Cassio is gloating and bragging about his affair with Desdemona? He finds the selection not only unjustified, but completely incomprehensible. Iago kills himself so that in the end he atones and takes punishment for what he has done: Othello Flashcards. What is Roderigo’s complaint, and what is Iago’s reply to it? Emilia is completely unaware of Iago’s devious plan. What does Othello decide and command at the end of Scene 3? -Iago sees Desdemona simply as a tool to use for Othello’s destruction. Why does Iago “hate the Moor”? “Look to her, Moor, if thou hast eyes to see: / She has deceiv’d her father, and may thee.” (Act I.iii.p12). Before Othello arrived, Montano was gravely wounded by Cassio. Emilia tells Cassio that Desdemona is already speaking to Othello on his behalf. The handkerchief was also a significant part of why Othello killed himself and Iago was the character that planted the handkerchief of death. What is Roderigo’s previous relationship with Brabantio and Desdemona? and when I love thee not, /Chaos is come again.) I realised that Iago had caused Othello to kill his wife. He artfully twists his statement to emphasize that fact that Cassio is a drunkard but urging Montano to not think he is too much of a drunk to be a great soldier and “unworthy of his place”. Why does Othello ask Emilia about Cassio's affair with Desdemona, and what is … Who is Brabantio, and why do Iago and Roderigo awaken him in the middle of the night? Holding a candle, Othello stands over the sleeping Desdemona and prepares to kill her. Cassio, out of friendship for Desdemona, and out of loyalty to Othello, shows deep concern for her safety and well-being. Previous Post Play Act 3 Scene 3 WHAT DO WE LEARN? He kills his wife, Emilia, because of what she knows; he drives Othello to kill himself and his wife. Top Answer. Emilia has a cynical view of men, cultivated by her own relationship with her husband, Iago. In his final soliloquy of Act I, Iago professes his hatred for the Moor and further expresses his suspicions about the Moor’s infidelity with his wife. Preview this quiz on Quizizz. They are fond of each other. Her suspicion causes her to question him about where he got the handkerchief, and she mistakenly assumes he got it from a new girlfriend. Why doesn’t Iago simply tell Othello right away that Desdemona and Cassio are having an affair? I have a stoup of wine," Iago says (Act II Scene 3). How justified is she? So pay attention. Lines 15-24. Iago confidently feels that Othello, who readily trusts Cassio, “can be easily lead by the nose” into believing that Cassio is too close to Desdemona, thus making the Moor, completely jealousy and furious with Cassio. He sure does. What is Iago’s reply when Othello demanded proof of his wife’s disloyalty? As he punished the "malignant . He cant have Desdemona. Iago says, “I had rather have this tongue cut from my mouth/ Than it should do offence to Michael Cassio; /Yet, I persuade myself, to speak the truth.” Iago then relates the event of the night, to which Othello replies, “I know, Iago, / Thy honesty and love doth mince this matter, / Making it light to Cassio. "Judean" is an alternative reading for "Indian," in which case Othello would be comparing himself to Herod the great, who, in a fit of jealousy, had his beloved wife killed. Othello and Desdemona have just been married. He is a black man living among white men who are sometimes make judgments about his race and how it affects his work. His suggestions have worked havoc on Othello’s emotionally state and Othello’s suspicion has reached its height. The authorities and Othello turn on Iago, and, after a running fight, capture and beat him. Iago believes he is a better soldier and moredeserving, than Cassio (the “book smart” warrior) (All talk and no action) -Iago has been passed over for a promotion. In his final speech, Othello will confirm, to a certain degree, this notion of Iago’s. 7. Who is Lodovico, and why has he come to Venice? “Man UP!” “It is merely a lust of blood and a permission of the will. She really has no defense because she cannot convincingly prove her loyalty and fidelity to Othello. After Iago’s lies are seen Othello kills himself with a concealed weapon this is ironic because he had said he would only endure death if had proof regarding Desdemona’s infidelity. Othello : Othello is a tragedy about a brave and honorable military leader who is tricked into believing that his wife is a harlot. Why does Roderigo want to kill himself. He goes to “let loose the justice of the State.”. -Emilia was Iago’s wife. -By encouraging and using Roderigo( Iago will “put the Moor/at least into a jealousy so strong that judgement cannot cure.” Iago will ruin Othello’s relationship with Desdemona as a means of revenge for Othello’s promoting Cassio instead of himself (Iago)-Ultimately, his plan is to topple Othello, by winning Othello’s favor and trust. Having said that, he more readily believes Iago than his own wife but again this is probably because of his own insecurities. “‘Tis not a year or two shows us a man: /They are all but stomachs and we all but food: /They eat us hungerly, and when they are full, /They belch us” (Act III.iv.p7). What is Roderigo’s complaint, and how does Iago answer it? "Othello claims that he, a Christian, once killed a Muslim Turk, a “circumcised dog” (5.2.355) who had murdered a Venetian citizen. Othello realises this in himself albeit too late when he says in his speech before he kills him self “[I] loved not wisely, but too well” (Act V Scene ii 340). Designed by GonThemes. What does it tell you that Othello hesitates over the sleeping Desdemona? . Iago is very quick thinking and builds his lies very quickly, using Othello’s responses. He also casted doubt on Othello’s judgment for appointing Cassio, who might be drunk in a moment of crisis.-Iago tells Montano (aside) that Cassio is a good soldier but his vice is his love for alcohol. Once the captain becomes drunk, he is drawn into a brawl and attacks Montano, a former Cypriot official, badly wounding him. Othello then kills himself, and Iago is taken away to be tortured and executed. 5 6 7. What lie does Iago tell Montano about Cassio? A broken heart from the marriage. Wiki User Answered . What three facts regarding Desdemona and Othello's marriage does Iago use to further bring doubt into Othello's mind? Previous Post As You Like It (Act 3 Scene II) PART 1 . The story Othello tells about himself (to himself and to the audience) is crucial because only that which is verbalized becomes real, a fact Iago deploys to make chaos. The Duke sends for Othello (the General) because the Turks are preparing to invade Cyprus. And when I love thee not, /Chaos is come again.”(Act III.iii.p4). What evidence is Iago using to rationalize his plan? Drown cats and blind puppies.” (ActI.iii.p14) Furthermore, Desdemona’s love for the Moor will fade; be there and you will win her. Desdemona’s pleas on Cassio’s behalf are not successful because Iago has aroused Otello’s suspicions about Desdemona and Cassio’s relationship. It is then when she realizes her husband, Iago, used her in his devious plan. He killed himself because of the injustice that he strangled his wife to death out of suspicion, he thinks he could not bear living after what he has done. His first plan of action is to use Roderigo as a pawn to lure Cassio into doing something rash, thus losing favor with Othello. -He wanted Cassio to be a little drunk and argumentative when Roderigo would approach him later-Iago want Cassio to drink more wine to cloud his judgment; under the influence of alcohol, Cassio,like others, will act rashly. At this point in the plot, Othello’s state of mind may be so emotionally wrought, thateven the producing of proof (the handkerchief) may not be enough to sway him from his belief that she has been unfaithful. What does Desdemona tell Emilia happened. Answer: As a matter of morals, Othello's suicide strikes us as being wrong since "the Everlasting has fixed His canon against self-slaughter": "Thou shalt not kill." Brabantio is Desdemona’s father; he is “robbed” by a Othello because he “stole” Desdemona and married her —Iago (hidden and playing on Brabantio’s prejudices) makes many “animal” references to Iago & Desdemona thus taking any beauty out of their relationship: “an old black ram is tupping your white ewe:” “you’ll have your daughter covered with a Barbary horse; you’ll have your nephews neigh to you;” “your daughter and the Moor are now making the beast with two backs”. Richer than all his tribe; of one whose subdued eyes. There is little, if no chance, of Desdemona convincing Othello of her faithfulness in Othello’semotional state. How does Cassio get the handkerchief? He weeps over her, lamenting that he must kill what he loves most, alluding to the Biblical passage Hebrews 12:6: "For whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth." “Nay, but be wise: yet we see nothing done; She may be honest yet. The Duke admits that even his own daughter could fall for his honest charms and he further goes on to say to Brabantio, “If virtue no delighted beauty lack, your son-in-law is far more fair than black.” (Act I.iii.p12). Powered by WordPress. Othello does not demand justice. She will realize she made a mistake and leave Othello. How does Iago get back in Othello’s good graces? Emilia was a servant to Desdemona but also had affection and friendship for her. At last, Othello assumes the posture of the tragic hero, grossly wrong in his determination, yet steeling himself to do what he must. -Iago was to have Cassio killed within three days. For Othello, the argument reveals that he has been completely captured in Iago’s web of destruction.Because Desdemona cannot produce the handkerchief (proof) Othello’s rage and jealousy intensify. Desdemona’s confusion is revealed when she is faced with an accusation that appears to “come out of nowhere.” Because she is confused, she simply does not know how to respond to such an accusation, and her only defense is to change the subject, to buy her time to find the handkerchief. Turk," so he will punish himself, and so he pulls out his dagger and gives himself a deadly wound." There’s magic in its fabric. Othello defends himself, mentioning the handkerchief as evidence. Cassio becomes the temporary leader of the troops at Cyprus, and Lodovico and Gratiano are to carry the news of the tragedy back to Venice. Answer. Cassio was easily provoked into an argument with Roderigo, and then Montano. Othello August 7, 2019. He articulates his contrived plan to topple the great Othello by turning him against his trusted lieutenant, Cassio. Farewell the tranquil mind; farewell content — Othello; Act 3 Scene 3. He sacrifices his wife, his love, all that makes life worth living to his sense of honor, and then finding that this very sacrifice has brought not honor but dishonor, as he is now a "murderer," he sacrifices himself to his honor, and dies by his own hand. Save. Iago also agrees to support Roderigo in this matter because he, too, hates the Moor. Othello does not feel very secure about Desdemona’s love for him but he does trust Iago. Iago was promoted to Lieutenant-Othello makes Iago his lieutenant and commands him to kill Cassio. Iago has been so successful that Othello feels compelled to kill himself, explaining that “I kissed thee ere I killed thee—no way but this, Killing myself to die upon a kiss” (5.2.). The Egyptian told his mother as long as she kept with her Othello’s father would love and desire her, but if she lost it he would start hating her and look at other women. Othello does not “act” like a stereotypical “moor” or black man of Shakespeare’s times. “I am glad I have found this napkin; /This was her first remembrance from the Moor. Answer and Explanation: No, Iago does not die in Othello, making him one of the few Shakespearean villains to escape the play with his life.Iago knows he will probably be executed for his role in Desdemona and Othello's deaths, but he is genuinely satisfied with himself, having seen his plan through to completion. Because she has not seen him in over a week, she is suspicious of hiswhereabouts. “I do not like the office; /But, sith I am enter’d in this cause so far,– /Prick’d to it by foolish honesty and love,– /I will go on. What three facts regarding Desdemona and Othello's marriage does Iago use to further bring doubt into Othello's mind? Why does he kill himself? Othello’s tragic flaw, like many tragic heroes, is not a fault in itself, but rather an excess of virtue, it is that he is too generous with trust. Why? You Might Also Like. Both were murderers and both would have been killed by the state. "— S. T. Coleridge. In the final scene, Othello murders his wife Desdemona by smothering her, and then he goes on to kill himself. Iago knows he will probably be executed for his role in Desdemona and Othello's deaths, but he is genuinely satisfied with himself, having seen his plan through to completion. Iago plans to plant it with Cassio. "I would not kill thy soul," he says (5.2.32). Iago carefully cultivates Othello’s growing suspicion. Will they stay together or separate? Othello stabs Iago when he is brought back in; Othello then tells all present to remember him how he is, and kills himself. Othello responds by saying he loved her and when he stopped loving her the world will be in chaos like it used to be “Why then to-morrow night; or Tuesday morn; /On Tuesday noon, or night; on Wednesday morn: — /I pr’ythee, name the time; but let it not /Exceed three days: in faith, he’s penitent;” Upon her departure Othello replies, “Excellent wretch! Iago must leave and has remained hidden because he cannot appear to be against the Moor. Her love for the Moor will fade. Othello is of Black African descent, which separates him from many in his Venetian world. But how little Othello does to investigate Iago's charges! What does Othello decide and command at the end of Scene 3?-Iago was to have Cassio killed within three days. Othello sees himself as an old man, an old cuckold, one who has treasured Desdemona blindly, beyond reason. After the fighting in the streets, carefully and secretly orchestrated by Iago, Iago artfully shows reluctance to “betray” his comrade, Cassio by revealing the “truth” of the events. Thanks! As Othello has lived like a hero, he will not forfeit his claim to that title in his death. http://shakespeare-navigators.com/othello/S52.html. What does Iago say must happen to Desdemona? He assures her that he found it in his room, and only wants to have one like it for her. Can a passion which leads to murder be called "love"? Othello doesnt really want to kill his wife. 5 months ago. This is first observed through repetition. It is quite apparent and clear by the end of Act I that Iago is completely insensitive. Why is it surprising that it arrives before Othello’s? Iago has been so successful that Othello feels compelled to kill himself, explaining that “I kissed thee ere I killed thee—no way but this, Killing myself to die upon a kiss” (5.2.). Montano is Stabbed by Cassio Later in the evening, Cassio is provoked into attacking another soldier named Roderigo. -She gave him the handkerchief Desdemona had dropped, Othello’s first gift to Desdemona. . "Judean" is an alternative reading for "Indian," in which case Othello would be comparing himself to Herod the great, who, in a fit of jealousy, had his beloved wife killed. He stabs himself. As Cassio loses favor with Othello; Iago gains his support. Cassio got the promotion to Lieutenant even though Iago had more time in serviceas a soldier. What is Othello’s response to them? And he is weeping. Othello was overcome with emotions and ended up killing himself due to guilt. Iago's tendency to disclose himself to the audience gives him a connection to the audience that Othello does not have; although Othello is the title character of the play, Iago has more lines and more interaction with the audience. Who is Othello, and why is he so respected by the Duke? The Turks are preparing to invade Cyprus, critical to the trade and economy of Venice. Iago poisons Othello’s mind with lies about love, Desdemona, and his trusted lieutenant, Cassio and causes him to destroy them both. Othello orders Iago to kill Cassio, himself going to smother Desdemona while she is asleep. 8. He then continues by saying he sadly must dink all the time. When he learns, too late, that his wife is blameless, he asks to be remembered as one who “loved not wisely but too well,” and kills himself.” (Merriam-Webster’s Encyclopedia of Literature, p. 844) Overall Story Backstory Cassio, I love thee; / But never more be officer of mine.” (Act II.iii.p11). Othello’s ship and Cassio’s ship were traveling together but became separated during the storms. Unfortunately, in her attempts to change the subject, her subject is Cassio and her efforts only appear to make her even more suspect in Othello’s eyes, clouded by Iago’s intricate plan. Othello dies by his own hand. “The Moor is of a free and open nature, That thinks men honest that but seem to be so,” (Iago, Act 1 Scene 3, Line 391). Both comparisons make good sense; Othello did suffer from jealousy and he threw away Desdemona without knowing her true worth. Iago tells him to be patient he has yet to reap the “fruits” of his labor. Analysis Brabantio is entirely enraged about the mixed marriage and believes his daughter must be under some “spell” or has been drugged to have decided to sneak off and marry the Moor (such an animal). That would advance Iago’s plot to make Othello jealous beyond reason-By asking Desdemona to intercede with Othello to aide Cassio, it may appear to others that hermotives for helping him are less than pure and out of friendship only. /There are a kind of men so loose of soul, /That intheir sleeps will mutter their affairs: One of this kind is Cassio: /In sleep I heard him say, “Sweet Desdemona, /Let us be wary, let us hide our loves”; And then, sir, would he gripe and wring my hand, /Cry, “O sweet creature!” and then kiss me hard, /As if he pluck’d up kisses by the roots, That grew upon my lips: then laid his leg /Over my thigh, and sigh’d and kiss’d; and then /Cried, “Cursed fate that gave thee to the Moor!” (Act III.iii.p19) After he piques Othello’s suspicions once again, he says a dream is not hard poof; it is simply a dream. How does Cassio greet Desdemona and Emilia? Cassio asks Emilia to briefly speak with Desdemona alone. “You see this fellow that is gone before; — /He is a soldier fit to stand by Caesar/ And give direction: and do but see his vice; /’Tis to his virtue a just equinox, /The one as long as the other: ’tis pity of him. Now art thou my lieutenant.” (Act III.iii.p22). Earlier in the play, Iago planned to use Desdemona as a tool for Othello’s destruction. What keeps Roderigo from seeing the truth instead of Iago’s lies? “I think this tale would win my daughter too.” (Act I.iii.-p8) The Duke admires Othello’s skill, nobility and bravery in battle and war affairs. Two of the key characters are Cassio, Othello's loyal captain, and Roderigo, a man who is love with Othello's wife, Desdemona. "Othello does not kill Desdemona in jealousy, but in a conviction forced upon him by the almost superhuman art of Iago, such as any man must and would have entertained who had believed lago's honesty as Othello did. How is it possible to love "too well?" When Othello learns the truth too late, he wounds Iago and in despair, kills himself. When she was dying she gave it to me and told me to give it to my wife when I got married. Roderigo courted and is in love with Desdemona. She agrees. Othello was first mentioned in a Revels account of 1604 when the play was performed on 1 November at Whitehall Palace with Richard Burbage almost certainly Othello's first interpreter. ( p.5 Excellent wretch! Perdition catch my soul, /But I do love thee! If Othello comes to the conclusion that his wife is not faithful “own his own” his feelings will be stronger and more indestructible. This will open the door for Iago to be the most trusted “man” in Othello’s eyes. She said it was suicide. Iago carefully and very subtly leads Othello to believe that Desdemona’s trust and loyalty may be in question. How would you grade Iago on racial insensitivity? Because he reluctantly gives his “jewel” the implication is a warning to treasure the jewel as he has or “else”. -If Desdemona would take up Cassio’s cause, it would appear as though she would favor him. By not responding Othello thinks Iago knows something but is afraid to be the “bearer of bad news.” He also warns Othello of the perils of jealousy. As he does … Why does Othello hit Desdemona? In Act II, Cassio foolishly allows himself to be encouraged to go for a drink when he has already acknowledged it to be the wrong thing to do. What does Iago convince him to do instead of killing himself. Copyright © 1999 - 2020 GradeSaver LLC. How did Brabantio die. Responses, however, will vary based on students’ prior and personal experiences and knowledge. . What does Iago intend to do with it? Is his evidence solid? 2011-01-03 03:30:45 2011-01-03 03:30:45. He asks her if she has prayed. How can anyone provide proof of fidelity? Shortly after murdering Desdemona, Othello learns that his suspicions of her (for being adulterous with Casio) were unfounded, and that the whole plot to make him jealous was engineered by Iago. Before Othello begins, Roderigo has been pursuing Desdemona, a Venetian noblewoman. Othello and the troops must prepare the warships for departure. Because he cannot be trusted, Iago trusts no one, not even his own wife. Iago was promoted to Lieutenant-Othello makes Iago his lieutenant and commands him to kill Cassio. Perdition catch my soul, /But I do love thee! Brabantio does not like it, but must give his daughter to the Moor. In Act III, Emilia was still more loyal to Iago than to Desdemona, she did not tell Desdemona about the handkerchief-Emilia is Iago’s wife and attendant to Desdemona. Cassio gives Bianca the handkerchief, and asks her to hold on to it for him. Desdemona's kindness, Othello's jealously, how nice Cassio is to Desdemona . Iago manipulates Othello into believing his wife Desdemona is unfaithful, stirring Othello's jealousy. The Duke admits his own daughter would be won by the valiant stories of Othello. "I’ll do’t but it dislikes me," Cassio replies. Shakespeare shows this in ‘Othello’ by leaving Iago’s fate ambiguous, and having Othello kill himself. Act II begins at a seaport in Cyprus. Overcome with jealousy, Othello kills Desdemona. He starts, "I have done the state some service, and they know't," as though he thinks that his service should be weighed against his crime, but then he changes his mind, saying, "No more of that" (5.2.339-340). Although literal poison did not kill Othello and Desdemona, they were killed by Iago’s poisonous tongue, so here poison did kill the couple. Othello compares himself to the "base Indian," someone in a now unknown tale who threw away a pearl because he was ignorant of its true worth. How successfully does Desdemona plead for Cassio? Desdemona. What emotion seems to be governing Iago’s thoughts and actions? How likely is it that Othello will keep an open mind until he has seen real proof? He jumps very fast into conclusions that lead to a downfall. Desdemona lies asleep in bed, and Othello enters, dreadfully calm and sure in what he must do. The silk came from sacred silkworms, and it was dyed with fluid made from embalmed virgins’ hearts. Desdemona wakens and calls him to bed, but he tells her to pray at once, repenting anything she needs to repent, and he will wait while she prays because he does not want to kill her soul.