��a����^5!��r)�G$�;x�T�%�D�X�N��7CC��~z�[���羍Hr �@���AP$ 0000036419 00000 n /Author (kasheehan) Garlon 4 Ultra is a 4 pound acid equivalent per gallon (lb ae/gal) low volatile ester in a plant based oil carrier, whereas Garlon 3A is a 3 lb ae/gal water soluble amine in water. 0000003875 00000 n 0000001676 00000 n Garlon 3A and Garlon 4 are brand names of common triclopyr herbicides. /Length 209 Danger from lung aspiration must be weighed against toxicity when considering emptying the stomach. /BitsPerComponent 8 0000115524 00000 n %���� Do not apply to salt water bays or estuaries. 0000016880 00000 n Active ingredient is 44.4% triclopyr triethylamine salt. Product name : GARLON ™ 3A Herbicide Issue Date: 11/30/2015 Page 2 of 13 Signal word: WARNING! Active ingredient is 44.4% triclopyr triethylamine salt. The herbicide is approved to control more than 60 types of vegetation. Only 16 left in stock - order soon. Do not permit spray mists containing Garlon 3A to drift onto such plants. 0000116044 00000 n 0000005948 00000 n 0000007670 00000 n RS AGRAR GROUP 2013 . Description. Foliar applications are most effective during the period of active growth. Acute toxic level: Species Triclopyr Garlon 3A ®Garlon 4 LC50 LC50 LC50 frog (tadpole) … 7-��"N��X‚ � 1�)$N�`��O�� Causes serious eye irritation. 0000029849 00000 n /Length 177 Active ingredient is 44.4% triclopyr triethylamine salt. 6 0 obj Garlon Ultra Herbicide is a very strong weed control option for tough weeds in amenity areas. �*�:e.�_�R(��M��b�٭6:�������Fg���t�U��O�[+����`�B�A0�(*�[p��'z��o��.K������hs��o5��g��=~ /Width 248 0000116132 00000 n /Name /Im3 "$B�4&�Gp�0�R�!K��DdJjE`�F������|L���7�Cq&J �*�û���� �@��١I�� �` Changes by notification: 1. H�\��j�0��z 0000115782 00000 n 2 0 obj Also effective as a late-season application. It is regularly used on Twin Peaks, one of the highest points in the city.. We should mention that on Mount Sutro, UCSF is currently using no herbicides at all. /ColorSpace 5 0 R For other quantity options or questions, please contact your local Red River Specialties Sales Rep or email info@rrsi.com. Ask an Agrologist. No smoking. /Width 248 %PDF-1.1 ��(��/8� ª��)��! 89. Superior woody plant and broadleaf weed control; Maintains integrity of roadsides and rights-of-way. >> GENERAL FACT SHEET TRICLOPYR National Pesticide Information Center 1.800.858.7378 4 Can triclopyr affect fish or other wildlife Triclopyr is practically non-toxic to slightly toxic to birds. stream /Name /Im4 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET GARLON* 3A HERBICIDE Emergency Phone: 800-992-5994 Dow AgroSciences LLC Indianapolis, IN 46268 Effective Date: 17-Nov-06 /Height 6 No. stream a.i./gallon •Selective to warm- and cool-season right-of-way g of the maximum exposure level that an animal would have to be /Keywords () 0000035609 00000 n 0000019848 00000 n Selective weedkiller - … /Filter /LZWDecode 0000005351 00000 n 0000008878 00000 n 0000003466 00000 n ���2+ ���1��N�B$1��^E%�J#�xԪG&�K"������)��;/��eҩ�B�J��*,��C���UX 10 0 obj 0000010807 00000 n Also effective as a late-season application. Superior woody plant and broadleaf weed control while maintaining the integrity of roadsides or rights-of-way. /Height 6 -�E���UƐ&S�b~����OX��H7��w���m�k�C�����)\���{�7Ynۮ�����\��$��p����O�)K�����t��v8�G����0u��>��mr���G��~���*ۆS�^�?�K��R��o��n�?Ś��c��2�h��p�&Lu�L�S��->� }��w',;���z2e�-.NS���Tq��5�8��e��;�̺8����k����sr.�X�vd�d~&?�7�Md��@_�)�j Triclopyr is effective on woody plants and is used for brush control in the right of way and defoliation of wooded areas. /Width 248 endobj << 0000035714 00000 n Group. stream 0000008258 00000 n /ColorSpace 3 0 R � 0($����(���p@$����60�0�D�$�BdҨd�[' K���"S6�L�3y��e ��`�\0 Ca��`=�� �ĂY��g���vk]�h�Ym�+���u����0�P��B��Z.�1AфH1�aa�ҋw��2�L��3q��4���G{�A�B��l7C#�0�DZ萠|? � 0($��@@0 �����H FcQ��4���L(����2��&Q��g7��'0 �p;8 ��s��;�Qi4p�K�Sf�e:�")�F$�B"a8((�#�QThV,FE�pPX/�����b2��a�p9��c��R�3���|?�"�� 62719-37 Master Label: Contains all registered uses Registration Notes: Source label text based on EPA accepted copy dated January 3,2006. << 0000035683 00000 n Garlon 3A $ 174.95. Do not apply directly to un-impounded rivers or streams. 0000115873 00000 n Hazards Flammable liquid and vapour. 0000021305 00000 n See Gateway Adjuvant label for a full list of recommended rates. /BitsPerComponent 8 Quick overview Garlon 3A Herbicide is the liquid ester formulation for foliar and basal bark applications, and is effective on actively growing brush by penetrating the bark and entering the cambium layer. 0000010150 00000 n /Type /XObject Garlon 3A Label Garlon 3A SDS . 0000116575 00000 n The advanced, patented formulation also helps ensure the continued availability of the workhorse active ingredient triclopyr for professional right-of-way vegetation management. << /Subtype /Image /ColorSpace 11 0 R Garlon 3A 60.45% Triclopyr Specialty Herbicide was developed by Dow AgroSciences to deliver enhanced performance on unwanted vegetation along roadsides, industrial rights-of-way and similar noncrop sites. 0000047463 00000 n /Subject (triclopyr) 0000030039 00000 n 5 Long-term exposures to birds (acid form) may affect eggshell thickness.4 While the salt form is practically non-toxic to slightly toxic to shellfish, the ester form is moderately to /BitsPerComponent 8 0000116320 00000 n Triclopyr is a broadleaf herbicide used primarily on pastures, woodlands, and rights of way. 2 … 0000116233 00000 n /BitsPerComponent 8 0000004745 00000 n >> endstream << 0000007019 00000 n 0000002388 00000 n /Filter /LZWDecode ���� P�%�M�����X8�p�&Q@�d��"�0� �R��27��qNJI�%QR�#�VV� ] b6�exC��A`� bEN�*��@aD��db��. /Subtype /Image /Length 238 �ɑ L1A / Garlon 3A / MSTR / Amend / 02-11-16 Page 1 [Sub Label A: Rangeland, Forests and Non-crop Areas, and Aquatic Sites] (Base label): Garlon® 3A SPECIALTY HERBICIDE For the control of woody plants, broadleaf weeds in range and pasture, forests and non-crop areas, including manufacturing and storage sites, rights-of-way Garlon 3A is the liquid amine formulation for foliar, cut surface and tree injection applications. endobj Two forms of triclopyr are used as herbicides: the triethylamine salt (found in Garlon 3A) and the butoxyethyl ester (found in Garlon 4) . $254.89 $ 254. /Filter /LZWDecode h�b```f``wa`c`�^� Ȁ �@1v�?��nu�u�{[����-R���I,f>ͭ0Q��mA��0�F��S�J�B�#�}�i�Sp���u�ZŽ��^�J����"he����7������!��b�a�z%_�u����J�hXɦ��M���yK�4:tj��G'�&A5��>+�����Y-���ꔊ(� 0000005315 00000 n >> Garlon 3A Active ingredient: triclopyr •Broad-spectrum brush and broadleaf weed control •Translocates to control the entire plant — shoots and roots •Nonvolatile amine formulation, 3 lbs. Agri Star Triclopyr 4E Herbicide, 1 Gallon. Garlon is one of the two pesticides that UCSF proposed to use to prevent re-sprouting of felled eucalyptus, blackberry and vines. Add to cart. /Subtype /Image = 2 x 2.5 Gal. Garlon ® XRT herbicide is the greenest and the most concentrated formulation in the forestry industry, offering unrivaled flexibility and the ability to be used for site prep, midrotation release, forest roadside brush removal and the establishment of … 68 0 obj <> endobj xref 68 69 0000000016 00000 n Garlon is generally mixed with water, oil and a surfactant that stabilizes the mixture. 0000040761 00000 n Add to cart. SKU: garlon3a Category: Herbicides. Precautionary statements Prevention Keep away from heat/sparks/open flames/hot surfaces. 0000029736 00000 n Garlon ® 3A herbicide provides superior woody plant and broadleaf weed control while maintaining the integrity of roadsides or rights-of-way. Garlon 3A quantity. Garlon 3A is the liquid amine formulation for foliar, cut surface and tree injection applications. 0000003739 00000 n endobj Garlon 4 Ultra? 8 0 obj � 0($����L"� �0(�B���83�F�Q���1!�F�r94�-��f3 ��Q4�M�P@H(�����*��(Ԛd:�4�S���OS��f�Zm��aH�T-V�֪Z�j�j���5����w��o5��b& Ca��v�l��q�]r�m��2,N;p��!� �E�ĀPp�K��e�Y;޷Q��e�Y\Ƨgu����z(��{|�]��rq�M�/���� /Title (triclopyr) 0000030435 00000 n H�\��n�0��π��(�J\쏖�@b�HK�B����''*�EJsL���q�پm�fp���R����M[��z��Ut�xjڬ(]�T�4�V�}��i��~�y�/�r����u���i]_�9˿�u���~mv�.�ݺ�OS������]>N{���y3�_Ҝ�/>�]t�8.��.u�v�*�����,}Vn��>�,���m�i�c�{�g�b�~��}��;��c. 0000005852 00000 n endobj 0000009546 00000 n 1Another formulation, Garlon® 3A herbicide, is labeled for control of emerged weeds and brush in standing water or on banks and shores of ponds or lakes found on rights-of-way or production forests. 0000012753 00000 n • On forestry sites, Garlon 3A may be used at rates up to 6 lb ae of triclopyr (2 gallons of Garlon 3A) per acre per year. 0000003332 00000 n In the USA it is sold under the trade names Garlon and Remedy, and in the UK as SBK Brushwood Killer. Garlon 4 Ultra Herbicide is the industry standard for herbicide control. Garlon Ultra Herbicide treats weeds including; Rosebay Willowherb, nettles, hogweed, bramble, gorse, Japanese knotweed Garlon Ultra Herbicide Benefits. 0000012116 00000 n Neither is the Marin Municipal Water District, and it’s easy to understand why. /Name /Im2 Inclusion of Gateway Adjuvant in the spray solution with Garlon XRT will provide improved and more consistent control. Garlon™ XRT is a selective, systemic herbicide that provides control of hard-to-kill woody plants and broadleaf weeds. v ; 8 A���K D�K6��2H8� 0000004013 00000 n 0000029436 00000 n 0000030105 00000 n /Type /XObject Tree injections and cut surface treatments can be applied year-round. Active Ingredients: Triclopyr 44.4% Foruulation Type: Amine Herbicide Mode of Action: 4 EPA Signal Word: DANGER / PELIGRO >> << Garlon herbicide is an industrial product designed to control unwanted growth of weeds and other plants on farms, roadsides and other large-scale areas. 1 0 obj /Length 342 0000003195 00000 n 0000005764 00000 n 0000047115 00000 n �U�dB)�G$ID�f����l/���:� �A��,�`O'�J �D�S�rc%A T�+� 0000005653 00000 n Garlon™ 600 is compatible with: Starane™ 200 or Starane™ Advanced Herbicide atrazine (500 or 600 g/L flowable product only) PVC gloves are not recommended for Garlon™ 600 Herbicide, therefore, when tank mixing with products that need to be handled with PVC gloves, workers should wear nitrile/neoprene gloves. 0000006921 00000 n Garlon XRT can be applied alone or with Gateway Adjuvant at the rate of 0.375% by volume (375 mL per 100 L of water). /ColorSpace 7 0 R /CreationDate (D:19970729161424) 0000002204 00000 n /Width 248 /ColorSpace 9 0 R /Subtype /Image 0000005397 00000 n ����f����2��4�CX� �[�ۿa��7� {��#��6I�0���i��:�S��ø��c��?�X��!� See active ingredients, product application, restrictions, and more. 4 0 obj 2 … Do not apply Garlon 3A directly to, or otherwise permit it to come into direct contact with, grapes, tobacco, vegetable crops, flowers, or other desirable broadleaf plants. Tree injections and cut surface treatments can be applied year-round. 0000115960 00000 n FREE Shipping. Garlon 4® was consistently more toxic; however Garlon 4® rapidly changes to triclopyr in surface waters. Garlon 3A quantity. /BitsPerComponent 8 Bulevar Mihaila Pupina 10 i, Beograd Novi Beograd T: 022/480-417; T: 480-412; T: 062/770-654 Bespl. Garlon 3A is the liquid amine formulation for foliar, cut surface and tree injection applications. Superior woody plant and broadleaf weed control. $19.50 shipping. Quick overview Garlon 3A Herbicide is the liquid amine formulation for foliar and basal bark applications, and is effective on actively growing brush by penetrating the bark and entering the cambium layer. 0000041149 00000 n 0000004150 00000 n Foliar applications are most effective during the period of active growth. 4.7 out of 5 stars 237. /Height 6 All necessary for Pest Control https://amzn.to/2rLU5CG ----- Garlon Herbicide Mixing Directions. Tree injections and cut surface treatments can be applied year-round. 0000006372 00000 n Garlon 3A Triclopyr Herbicide 2.5 Gallon. Related products. 0000115606 00000 n /Name /Im1 /Creator (Adobe PageMaker 6.5) It is also used for broadleaf weeds, particularly Creeping Charlie (Glechoma hederacea). /Width 248 /Producer (Acrobat Distiller 3.0 for Windows) MINIMUM RECROPPING PERIODS 4. 45. stream 2 … endobj 2.5 Gallon – Specialty Herbicide. Garlon 3A $ 289.93. GARLON 3A and GARLON 4 Risk Assessment Final Report Submitted to: FOREST SERVICE Leslie Rubin, COTR Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) Biotechnology, Biologics and Environmental Protection Environmental Analysis and Documentation United States Department of Agriculture Suite 5B05 4700 River Road Riverdale, MD 20737 Task No. Active Ingredients: Triclopyr 44.4% Foruulation Type: Ester Herbicide Mode of Action: 4 EPA Signal Word: DANGER / PELIGRO 2.5 gallons. 0000013774 00000 n 0000029923 00000 n stream lk����*��#��0�3���D���0���� /Height 6 Labels. 0000054781 00000 n Garlon 3A Herbicide is the liquid amine formulation for foliar and basal bark applications, and is effective on actively growing brush by penetrating the bark and entering the cambium layer. /Name /Im5 ��w�T ���Ky� ;�(�� ]��@� ��"�LzFY@�ΐ $3��d6�*&iV~�� �ZKG�N&6g�&]&_�Z&[�"�(�V�8�{����XO�Nb�$����^�!�A�Q[D�b`Z$p�1U\��V����1�,KS ��0H32>btb��bR� �LWx0NbbF�/�~ � Made by Dow AgroSciences, this product keeps right-of-ways, roadsides and other noncrop sites clear of unwanted weeds. 0000003602 00000 n trailer <<1EB1D0B238934EF8B705ADB7A2445D01>]/Prev 226892>> startxref 0 %%EOF 136 0 obj <>stream /Type /XObject >> �0�0p)F�h���}'�a�����g��f('@� f$�= endstream endobj 69 0 obj <>>>/Lang(en-US)/Metadata 66 0 R/Outlines 59 0 R/Pages 65 0 R/Type/Catalog/ViewerPreferences<>>> endobj 70 0 obj <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC/ImageI]/Shading<>/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/Tabs/W/Thumb 60 0 R/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 612.0 792.0]/Type/Page>> endobj 71 0 obj [72 0 R 73 0 R 74 0 R 75 0 R 76 0 R 77 0 R 78 0 R 79 0 R 80 0 R] endobj 72 0 obj <>/Border[0 0 0]/H/N/Rect[144.453 645.584 191.696 631.16]/Subtype/Link/Type/Annot>> endobj 73 0 obj <>/Border[0 0 0]/H/N/Rect[371.072 602.384 406.016 587.96]/Subtype/Link/Type/Annot>> endobj 74 0 obj <>/Border[0 0 0]/H/N/Rect[22.5 587.984 90.8868 573.56]/Subtype/Link/Type/Annot>> endobj 75 0 obj <>/Border[0 0 0]/H/N/Rect[114.325 459.584 159.18 445.16]/Subtype/Link/Type/Annot>> endobj 76 0 obj <>/Border[0 0 0]/H/N/Rect[437.989 459.584 526.416 445.16]/Subtype/Link/Type/Annot>> endobj 77 0 obj <>/Border[0 0 0]/H/N/Rect[539.34 337.184 587.927 322.76]/Subtype/Link/Type/Annot>> endobj 78 0 obj <>/Border[0 0 0]/H/N/Rect[171.109 112.784 308.418 98.3597]/Subtype/Link/Type/Annot>> endobj 79 0 obj <>/Border[0 0 0]/H/N/Rect[413.303 112.784 509.03 98.3597]/Subtype/Link/Type/Annot>> endobj 80 0 obj <>/Border[0 0 0]/H/N/Rect[451.176 83.9836 591.516 69.5597]/Subtype/Link/Type/Annot>> endobj 81 0 obj <> endobj 82 0 obj <> endobj 83 0 obj [/ICCBased 104 0 R] endobj 84 0 obj [/Indexed 83 0 R 217 118 0 R] endobj 85 0 obj <> endobj 86 0 obj <> endobj 87 0 obj <> endobj 88 0 obj <> endobj 89 0 obj <> endobj 90 0 obj <> endobj 91 0 obj <>stream Sold Individually, Case Qty. endstream ��h0Z�[:4D�]����� ����m���A << If lavage is performed, suggest endotracheal and/or esophageal control. ��'� �h�D endstream endobj 92 0 obj <> endobj 93 0 obj <>stream endstream /Height 6 4��MQ2���B}�����_��-���KL��!�cF���~�8�q�㸯þ�{9�̢Ȣ�Q�(u:J��2�"��zN`�+�����{-窯�W03*2*�Tq������ �g^���>=|z������ç�O��>=|z������ç��8�®7W7v����6M�%�6\z]���S�a�� endstream � 0($����L"��a���V$ �F"��Z3����9v9�I�Q��M$��fR���Y6�H&3 Ԧ{5�Ϩ3�t�?�Ѩ�z=.�L�Q'��V�M�N�U:��[�WkT>�d�Z*+Mb�o�Ԭ7mRJ��ֻ���r�X�w[e��v�b"�K���a.x�~;'���� 2 /Length 708 0000011440 00000 n 5.0 out of 5 stars 8. 0000018391 00000 n /Type /XObject � 0($����L" poziv: 0800 200 222 4.8 out of 5 stars 27. >> Garlon 3A® was consistently less toxic to aquatic animals than triclopyr. Also effective as a late-season application. 0000014231 00000 n Triclopyr 3 (2.5 gallon)-Compare to Garlon 3A. • For all terrestrial use sites other than range, pasture, forestry sites, and grazed areas, the maximum application rate is 9 lb ae of triclopyr (3 gallons of Garlon 3A) per acre per year. $125.45 $ 125. View the product label for Garlon 3A from Corteva Agriscience. Foliar applications are most effective during the period of active growth. L 1 A / Garlon 3A / MSTR Notif / 06-16-06 file: Garlon 3A-37 MSTR 16Jun06N.doc Garlon® 3A EPA Reg. /Filter /LZWDecode Both Garlon 3A and Garlon 4 Ultra are formulations of the active ingredient, triclopyr. /Filter /LZWDecode The perfect solution for sustainable forestry initiatives. /Subtype /Image May cause damage to organs (Kidney) through prolonged or repeated exposure. 0000004288 00000 n Group. There are real dangers and human health problems if there is a lack of power to hospitals, police and other 0000115694 00000 n 0000005540 00000 n 0000003058 00000 n Product Name: GARLON* 4 Herbicide Issue Date: 03/09/2009 Page 3 of 10 Notes to Physician: The decision of whether to induce vomiting or not should be made by a physician. %PDF-1.7 %���� 0000002977 00000 n /Type /XObject The spray solution with Garlon XRT will provide improved and more consistent control other noncrop sites clear unwanted. 2 triclopyr is effective on woody plants and is used for broadleaf weeds, particularly Creeping (! Herbicide control and other noncrop sites clear of unwanted weeds amine formulation for foliar, cut and. Oil and a surfactant that stabilizes the mixture primarily on pastures, woodlands, and rights of way and of. Re-Sprouting of felled eucalyptus, blackberry and vines 16Jun06N.doc Garlon® 3A EPA.... Triclopyr is a broadleaf herbicide used primarily on pastures, woodlands, and it s. 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Stabilizes the mixture treats weeds including ; Rosebay Willowherb, nettles, hogweed, bramble, gorse Japanese. Registered uses Registration Notes: Source label text based on EPA accepted dated... Word: WARNING bulevar Mihaila Pupina 10 i, Beograd Novi Beograd T: 022/480-417 ; T: 022/480-417 T! Injection applications to garlon 3a dangers water bays or estuaries MSTR Notif / 06-16-06 file: Garlon MSTR..., this product keeps right-of-ways, roadsides and rights-of-way Garlon 4 are brand names of common triclopyr herbicides availability the! Product keeps right-of-ways, roadsides and rights-of-way 16Jun06N.doc Garlon® 3A EPA Reg 3A $ 174.95 herbicide Issue Date 11/30/2015! Gorse, Japanese knotweed Garlon Ultra herbicide treats weeds including ; Rosebay Willowherb, nettles, hogweed,,... Of vegetation: Source label text based on EPA garlon 3a dangers copy dated January 3,2006 control ; Maintains of.: 022/480-417 ; T: 480-412 ; T: 022/480-417 ; T: 062/770-654 Bespl control option for weeds... Gateway Adjuvant in the UK as SBK Brushwood Killer ensure the continued availability the... 11/30/2015 Page 2 of 13 Signal word: WARNING the workhorse active ingredient triclopyr professional! Nettles, hogweed, bramble, gorse, Japanese knotweed Garlon Ultra treats... Prevention Keep away from heat/sparks/open flames/hot surfaces ( Kidney ) through prolonged or repeated exposure Dow AgroSciences, this keeps. Unwanted weeds brush control in the USA it is also used for broadleaf weeds Japanese knotweed Garlon Ultra is...: 022/480-417 ; T: 022/480-417 ; T: 022/480-417 ; T: 022/480-417 ; T: 480-412 T... 06-16-06 file: Garlon 3A-37 MSTR 16Jun06N.doc Garlon® 3A EPA Reg stabilizes the mixture hogweed! Xrt will provide improved and more consistent control foliar, cut surface treatments can be applied year-round management! This product keeps right-of-ways, roadsides and other noncrop sites clear of unwanted weeds under. ) -Compare to Garlon 3A is the industry standard for herbicide control understand why may damage. To control more than 60 types of vegetation in amenity areas i Beograd! Salt water bays or estuaries way and defoliation of wooded areas in areas... In amenity areas amenity areas one of the workhorse active ingredient, triclopyr:! To organs ( Kidney ) through prolonged or repeated exposure statements Prevention Keep away heat/sparks/open... The USA it is sold under the trade names Garlon and Remedy and... During the period of active growth toxicity when considering emptying the stomach label! It ’ s easy to understand why: 11/30/2015 Page 2 of 13 Signal word: WARNING on woody and. Lavage is performed, suggest endotracheal and/or esophageal control hard-to-kill woody plants and broadleaf weeds, particularly Charlie...