Although many plasmids allow the cells carrying them to conjugate, usually only the plasmid itself is transferred through the conjugation bridge. Bacterial conjugation was first described by Lederberg and Tatum in 1946 as a phenomenon involving the exchange of markers between closely related strains of Escherichia coli. There is another type of conjugation where passage of nucleoid DNA takes place through conjugation tube. Numerous types/classes of traits are encoded for by the accessory genes of plasmids. [45] by courtesy of Academic Press Inc. False-color transmission electron micrograph (TEM) of a male E. coli bacterium (bottom-right) conjugating with two females. These pheromone-responding plasmids often contain genes encoding hemolysins, bacteriocins, or resistance to antibiotics (Brantl et al., 1990). First, the cotransfer frequency of two genes was measured. REPLY:Bacterial CONJUGATION FIRST DISCOVERED IN 1946 BY: Joshua Lederberg and Edward Tatum. In strain Hfr 1 (left panel), the integrated F-plasmid is closest to gene “d” and only begins transferring gene “a” after about 20 minutes. The E. faecalis plasmid is then transferred to S. aureus, resulting in S. aureus carrying both its normal plasmid and the plasmid carrying vancomycin resistance. Raleigh, K.B. Conjugation: Transfer of plasmid DNA from one bacterial cell to another Via sex pilus. Although many plasmids allow the cells carrying them to conjugate, usually only the plasmid itself is transferred through the conjugation bridge. The bacterial species he used in the experiments was Escherichia coli. Sometimes they excise carrying pieces of chromosomal DNA, which creates F′- or F-prime plasmids. If two genes were close to each other, a donor Hfr strain would transfer them together at high frequency. For their work on conjugation and related topics, Lederberg, Tatum, and Beadle received the Nobel Prize in 1958. THE LAGGING STRAND IS SYNTHESIZED IN THE 5-3 DIRECTION. The virulence genes on the plasmid are responsible for cell-to-cell contact and transfer of the T-DNA but do not themselves enter the plant cells. It is these plasmid-borne accessory genes that contribute, at least in part, to the rapid spread and emergence of traits across Archaea and Bacteria. Figure 25.17. Therefore, many plasmids are degraded or destroyed after they are transferred to an incompatible cell. The E. faecalis plasmid is then transferred to S. aureus, resulting in S. aureus carrying both its normal plasmid and the plasmid carrying vancomycin resistance. This latter supposition comes from the observation that coexpression of Abc2 with P22 Erf, λ Beta, and even the Pseudomonas phage D3 SSAP Orf-52 promotes the growth of λ red gam mutants in E. coli recA hosts (K. Murphy, unpublished observations). In addition to oriT nicking, the relaxase component of the conjugative transfer intermediate is thought to participate in translocation of substrate DNA by supplying a signal motif recognizable by the transport machinery. The VirF protein enters the plant nucleus along with the T-DNA and removes these two proteins from the DNA (see Focus on Relevant Research). One stand of the F plasmid is transferred to the recipient cell through the sex pilus. First, the cotransfer frequency of two genes was measured. They discovered that the F-factor can move between E.coli cells and proposed the concept of conjugation. 2.23b). Figure 20.22. These catabolic plasmids are usually large (>50 kb) because degradation of organic compounds often requires numerous genes that are part of catabolic cascading pathways. First, one of the two strands of the double-stranded DNA of the plasmid opens up at the origin of transfer. The Ti plasmid of Agrobacterium has several regions. Very small plasmids, such as the ColE plasmids, do not have enough DNA to accommodate the genes needed. 25.11). During conjugation, two bacterial cells have to be in contact with each other (this contact is established by a pilus and athesins). B. Traxler, in Brenner's Encyclopedia of Genetics (Second Edition), 2013. Historically, F-primes were used to carry part of the lacZ gene in the alpha-complementation method for screening recombinant plasmids (see Chapter 7: Cloning Genes for Synthetic Biology). The second strand of the F-plasmid is synthesized inside the recipient cell. In real life, mating bacteria actually tend to cluster together in groups of five to ten (Fig. Effectively, the RecBCD protein is hijacked by Abc2 and made to work as part of the P22 recombination system. Although no actual animals have yet been tested, the Ti plasmid entered cultured Human HeLa cells and the T-DNA integrated into the human chromosomes. Several features of the F plasmid and the various stages of the F conjugation process are summarized. The cell which transfer plasmid is called donor and the cell which receive the plasmid is called recipient. Whereas transformation and transduction involve the transfer of small segments of bacterial DNA, conjugation transfers large portions of the genome. The free 5′ end (black triangle) enters the recipient cell through the conjugation bridge. J. Lederberg and E. L. Tatum first reported such transfer in 1946 in Escherichia coli. These plasmids do not show a response to pheromone signals, and the mechanisms of their transfer are unclear. The chromosome of a typical laboratory strain of E. coli has 13 copies of IS2 and 6 copies of IS3 scattered around more or less at random. ...Dr.Syntax . They discovered that it did not destroy the ability of their extracts to transform the bacteria. Magnification: ×11,250. Bacteria with an F-plasmid integrated into the chromosome are known as Hfr strains because they transfer chromosomal genes at high frequency. Plasmids of Gram-negative bacteria are typically classified into an alphabetical grouping (i.e., IncA through IncZ). This method was proposed by Lederberg and Tatum. Finally, the recipient must be resistant to some antibiotic (e.g., streptomycin) so that it can be selected on medium that prevents growth of the Hfr strain. Sex pili from the cell containing the plasmid (Called F+) attaches to the recipient cell (F-). VirD makes a single-stranded nick in the Ti plasmid at the left border of the T-DNA and the T-DNA unwinds from the cut site. It is interesting to speculate that this feature of the P22 life cycle might have dictated the greater complexity of its recombination system relative to phage λ (four P22 genes relative to two λ genes), providing a level of regulation that ensures recombination will take place consistently soon after infection. It is known that Abc2 binds to the RecC subunit of the RecBCD complex. Plasmid DNA transfer involves replication by the rolling circle mechanism (Fig. Note, however, that the “sex” of a bacterial cell is determined by the presence or absence of a plasmid and that DNA transfer is unidirectional, from donor to recipient. Bacterial conjugation has played a critical role in the genetic analysis of bacteria and is now recognized as a distinctive branch of the bacterial type IV secretion system family. The mob (mobilization) genes of the ColE plasmid are responsible for making a single-stranded nick at the origin of transfer of ColE and for unwinding the strand to be transferred. A transferable plasmid, such as the F-plasmid, can mobilize the ColE plasmid if they both inhabit the same cell. A variety of different insertion sequences are found on the chromosome of E. coli and in its plasmids and viruses. These plasmids are confined to the enterococci and their close relatives. The discovery of the process of transduction was traced back in 1952 when scientists Norton Zinder and Joshua Lederberg were studying the recombination in the bacterium Salmonella typhimurium. Many bacteria have plasmids, which are small circular pieces of DNA separate from the primary bacterial chromosome. Bacterial strains with an F-plasmid integrated into the chromosome are known as Hfr-strains because they transfer chromosomal genes at high frequency. Once the cells are in contact, the basal structure of the pilus makes a connection between the two cells known as the conjugation bridge. When the bacteriophage inserts its genetic content into the genome of the next bacterium, the… For transfer to occur, the two bacterial cells must make physical contact and transfer the DNA by a process known as bacterial conjugation. During bacterial conjugation DNA moves in one direction only, from the plasmid-carrying donor to the recipient (Fig. The genetic recombination in which bacteria exchange genetic material through cytoplasmic bridge is called conjugation. Insertion Sequences on F-Plasmid and Chromosome. Conjugation is universally conserved among bacteria and occurs in a wide range of environments (soil, plant surfaces, water, sewage, biofilms, and host-associated bacterial communities). Modified Ti plasmids are widely used in genetic engineering of plants. Time of Entry by Conjugation. 20.22). The F-plasmid has two IS3 elements and one IS2 element. This is plated on agar, which prevents growth of the Hfr and only allows growth of strains carrying the wild-type version of gene “a.” Survivors are derivatives of the recipient that have gained the wild-type version of gene “a” from the Hfr. The T-DNA is flanked by 25 bp inverted repeats. F-plasmids can excise themselves from the chromosome by reversing the integration process. She published her discovery of lambda phage in 1950. Conversely, if two genes were far apart on the chromosome, an Hfr strain would usually only transfer one of them, and the cotransfer frequency would be low. The genetic information needed for a cell to participate in conjugation resides in the DNA of a cell's: All F- cells will become F+ cells. The Ti Plasmid Can Enter Animal and Yeast Cells. Thus, if genes a and b are close to each other, the donor Hfr strain would transfer them together at high frequency. 2.23c) and then the cells separate (Fig. Classification of plasmids from Gram-positive bacteria follows various methods, for example, the plasmids of S. aureus are broken into 15 families (Inc1 through Inc15). This motif is also present at the C-termini of protein substrates of the VirB/D4 T4S system and, as expected, mutations in the signal motif of one such substrate, VirF, block translocation. DNA This can help bacteria adapt better to the environment in which they live. Transferability is the ability of certain plasmids to move from one bacterial cell to another. Bacterial conjugation is a way by which a bacterial cell transfers genetic material to another bacterial cell. Such F′-plasmids may be transferred to F-minus recipients, carrying with them the chromosomal segment from their previous host. The mixing of different autotrophic mutants in genes involved in amino acid metabolism, followed by plating for prototrophs, led to the identification of one particular strain (#22 in the collection) that generated wild-type phenotypes at high frequency. Ridenhour, E.M. Top, in Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Biology, 2016. The length of time it takes for a gene to enter the recipient gives an estimate of its relative distance from the origin of transfer of the Hfr strain. For example, the F-plasmid uses insertion sequences (see Chapter 25: Mobile DNA) for integration into the chromosome of E. coli (Fig. This male has attached two F-pili to each of the females. Although not yet tested, one possibility is that Abc2 prevents loading of RecA at Chi sites, thus explaining how the expression of Abc2 alone inhibits host RecABCD-promoted conjugational recombination events. In addition, mutations in the genes being studied (a, b, c, and d) must give recognizable phenotypes. It is likely, therefore, that the pilus initially triggers a signal for the mechanism of DNA transfer to be initiated, possibly by the formation of a continuous protein channel across the periplasmic gel of the recipient cell wall [45]. However, an ancillary protein, VirD1, is essential for nicking in vitro when the nick site is present on a supercoiled, double-stranded plasmid. Summary of phage recombination functions, P.J. Transduction, transformation, conjugation, transposable elements. Heavy metal resistance genes allow bacteria to exist and thrive in harsh, contaminated environments. The transfer rate of E. coli RP4 plasmid is order of magnitudes greater when conjugation occurs on solid medium rather than in liquid suspension. Figure 20.24. The T-DNA is covered by the VirE2 protein made by Agrobacterium and also, when it enters the plant cell, by the plant VIP1 protein. This linearized single strand of DNA moves through the conjugation bridge from the donor into the recipient cell. Therefore, one has to be the donor and the other a recipient. When the T-DNA from the Agrobacterium Ti plasmid enters the plant cell it is protected by both a bacterial protein, VirE2, and also a plant protein, VIP1. VBF is normally induced by bacterial infection of plants. Erf was the first phage recombinase to show the ring-like quaternary structure under electron micrographs (Poteete et al., 1983). When the sex pilus is assembled, its protein subunits travel through the channel in the basal structure (also known as the transfer apparatus). ScienceDirect ® is a registered trademark of Elsevier B.V. ScienceDirect ® is a registered trademark of Elsevier B.V. URL:, URL:, URL:, URL:, URL:, URL:, URL:, URL:, URL:, URL:, Encyclopedia of Microbiology (Third Edition), 2009, Brenner's Encyclopedia of Genetics (Second Edition), Encyclopedia of Microbiology (Third Edition), Gene Transfer Among Bacteria in Natural Environments, Clewell, 1993; Day and Fry, 1992a; Ippen-Ihler, 1989; Salyers and Shoemaker, 1994, Molecular Medical Microbiology (Second Edition), Transfer of genetic material occurs during the process of, One of the primary mechanisms for HGT is gene acquisition via the transfer of plasmids during, Leclercq, 2002; Watanabe and Fukasawa, 1960, Fundamentals of Molecular Structural Biology, Levine, 1972; Poteete, 1988; Susskind and Botstein, 1978, Gilbert and Dressler, 1968; Weaver and Levine, 1977, Botstein and Matz, 1970; Poteete, 1982; Weaver and Levine, 1977, Murphy, 1994; Murphy and Lewis, 1993; Murphy, Agrobacterium and Plant Cell Transformation, It is now widely accepted that DNA-processing reactions associated with T-DNA transfer are equivalent to those mediating, David P. Clark, ... Michelle R. McGehee, in, The transfer of genetic information between two bacterial cells may occur via cell-to-cell contact. These plasmids can carry genes that provide resistance to antibiotics, and bacteria that contain plasmids are able to conjugate with other bacteria and pass a replicate to recipient bacteria. Mutations. This linearized single strand of DNA moves through the conjugation bridge from the donor into the recipient cell. The methods are: 1. Several plasmids are self-transmissible in that they encode the necessary machinery for transferring a copy of their DNA to adjacent cells by means of conjugation. 25.17). The conjugational junction appears as a continuous electron-dark line between the two mating cells. This does not necessarily indicate which bacteria a plasmid may be found in. Structural Biology, which are discussed below for λ red ( or nearly identical ) transfer... Plasmids during bacterial conjugation is the only one strand of DNA into what be. 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