. (Matt. A welfare or “nanny” state, offering cradle-to-grave security and attempting to provide for all human needs, expands the state beyond its proper scope and violates the principle of subsidiarity. As a teacher I uphold and model values and beliefs in the Catholic tradition by constructing a ‘just’ classroom environment and by implementing Catholic values and beliefs in all facets of the curriculum. Some examples of core values for a company include: A commitment to sustainability and to acting in an environmentally friendly way. Catholics of different countries and regions of the world practice and celebrate the faith in diverse ways. The power of modern means of destruction weighs very heavily in evaluating this condition. They derive from CRS' Organizational Guiding Principles. A virtue is a habit that perfects the powers of the soul and disposes you to do good. Underlying our teaching and our relationships are the Gospel Values of Unity, Respect, Joy, Love and Courage. Examples of personal values Listed below are some examples of personal values. We believe in Jesus, truly God and truly a human being. ture (klchr) n. – The totality of socially transmitted behavior patterns, arts, beliefs, institutions, and all other products of human work and thought. Thirdly, because a more peaceful state is ensured to man if each one is contented with his own. Non-Catholics also have discovered this principle. Catholic social teaching also notes that private property can become a kind of idol, leading people to assess the goal and meaning of human life simply in terms of dollars and cents. Pope John Paul II put the point as follows: It is the task of the state to provide for the defense and preservation of common goods such as the natural and human environments, which cannot be safeguarded simply by market forces. May a person take what is legally the property of another in order to secure survival? To combat this tendency, Catholic social thought emphasizes the principle of subsidiarity. The foundation for Catholic social thought is the proper understanding and value of the human person. Stay up-to-date with the latest news. Our mission is to glorify God together by creating an atmosphere in which people can begin and enjoy a personal relationship with Christ, mature in Christ's likeness and worship Christ in life changing ways. Administration of the criminal justice system is another example of a matter that properly pertains to government. Gospel living involves living our lives in line with our values-- Gospel values.Scripture and Catholic Tradition offer not only belief statements that commit us to certain ways of living, intentions, and attitudes, but also broader Christian worldviews or perspectives that affect how we see the world. Still, the sap is rising, again there is the resurrection of spring, God’s continuing promise to us that he is with us always, with his comfort and joy, if we will only ask. In particular, the Church has spoken of a “family wage” whereby one breadwinner can adequately support spouse and children. The Supreme Being is the creator, called God or God the Father, who resides in heaven and watches over and guides everything on earth. Social conditions that destabilize include mandatory and unreasonably long work hours, a toxic “social culture” that denigrates fidelity, legal dissolution of the definition of marriage between one man and one woman, and excessive taxation. Real world examples of these In the words of Pope John Paul II, the foundation of Catholic social teaching “is a correct view of the human person and of his unique value, inasmuch as ‘man … is the only creature on earth which God willed for itself.’ God has imprinted his own image and likeness on man (cf. Opposition to abortion and euthanasia forms the necessary foundation for respecting human dignity in other areas such as education, poverty, and immigration. MIssion, Vision, and Values. oWomen & Men for and with Others: Sharing gifts, pursuing justice, and having concern for the poor and marginalized. Just war theory is a mean between pacifism and realism, a mean that has been explicitly adopted and appealed to by most contemporary governments. Nevertheless, this apparent consensus conceals very serious disagreements about the nature and scope of these rights. These questions notwithstanding, the fact remains that peace involves a just ordering of society. Such an attempt does not mean the abolition of values at all; it is simply the (often un-noticed) replacement of one set of values with another. Created in the image of God, all human life is sacred and possesses a dignity that comes directly from our creation and not from any action of our own. Our Values are Reverence, Compassion, Integrity, Innovation, Community, and Excellence. The mystery of the poor is this: That they are Jesus, and what you do for them you do for him. Compassionate and respectful behavior is at the core of our commitment to delivering quality care. I want you to find the poor here, right in your own home first. Common values, however, can be a deal breaker. Gen 1:26), conferring upon him an incomparable dignity” (Centesimus Annus 11). For example, the ideas that a society ought to treat values as primarily personal is itself a strong social value. With a firm sense of their values and faith, children can boldy go out in to a world in need of help and make a difference. Indeed, the formation of unions “cannot … be prohibited by the state” because, as Pope John Paul II notes, “the state is bound to protect natural rights, not to destroy them; and if it forbids its citizens to form associations, it contradicts the very principle of its own existence” (Centesimus Annus 7). Companies like Patagonia and Ben & Jerry's have environmental sustainability as a core value. —Dorothy Day. If a country does not have sufficient pure drinking water, nourishing food, and a relatively toxin-free environment, human beings will not be able to achieve their full potential. A final indicator of a school's authentic catholicity is the vital witness … Our schools are located in some of the most beautiful natural settings in the province. In Catholic thought, the right of association is a natural right of the human being, which therefore precedes his incorporation into political society. Catholic social teaching is an offspring of this effort. The Catholic Church believes that sex outside of marriage is immoral, and advocates that all couples wait until after they are married to have sex. Christians through the ages have sought to take the example and words of Jesus to heart and to live them in social settings very different from ancient Palestine. . (Centesimus Annus 48). The dignity of every person, independent of ethnicity, creed, gender, sexuality, age or ability, is the foundation of CST. In addition to these reasons, private property also helps to secure human freedom. Indeed, without possessions of any kind, a person can be reduced to a kind of slavery in which labor is not rewarded and speaking against the exercise of state authority is taken at enormous risk. This holistic approach provides an educational foundation for life to the full, meaning the full development of the person – … This question was posed in dramatic fashion in Les Miserables. The Church was instrumental in helping workers form unions to combat the excesses of industrialization. … Many social questions, such as, “Should this welfare benefit be offered to people in this particular situation?” do not admit of an answer that would be binding upon all Catholics. Looking at this situation, former U.S. Education Secretary and Drug Czar William Bennett, for example, has recently come up with a list of what he calls Leading Cultural Indicators. To some extent the focus on corporate and personal core values is consistent with —Bl. Secondly, because human affairs are conducted in more orderly fashion if each man is charged with taking care of some particular thing himself, whereas there would be confusion if everyone had to look after any one thing indeterminately. CRS also bases its ethical responsibilities to constituent data on existing and widely adopted standards and principles, four of the most notable of which are: … Example: Legend of the Three Companions 42; The Early Documents volume and page number(s) containing the source and story. It is the only way we have of knowing and believing in our love. Vision Statement Catholic Community Services and Catholic Housing Services (formerly known as the Archdiocesan Housing Authority) of Western Washington are prophetic voices for justice, recognizing the sacredness and dignity of every human person. This resource is designed to provide teachers with curriculum related information necessary for embedding Catholic Principles into the teaching and learning of K-6 and 7-10 English, History, Mathematics, Science (and Technology). Our Ethos The Governors and staff are strongly committed to building and strengthening the Catholic ethos of the school. The evaluation of these conditions for moral legitimacy belongs to the prudential judgment of those who have responsibility for the common good. In Catholic thought, the government also has a more positive role, namely to help secure common good. Some Christian thinkers conceive of the state or government … The common good includes all these elements, the loss of any one of which can hinder our seeking of fulfillment. ... Servanthood We follow the example … Compassion is often associated with spiritual and religious values, as is the desire to grow in faith and knowledge. What are the Jesuit Values? According to Genesis, God not only creates man but puts him to work naming the animals and caring for the garden. Compassionate and respectful behavior is at the core of our commitment to delivering quality care. All people are obligated to work towards making the common good a greater and greater reality. Love begins at home, and it is not how much we do, but how much love we put into what we do. On the other hand, the government should not intervene to attempt to alleviate all problems. (Centesimus Annus 48). 100 Examples of Core Values 1. War between nations may be necessary at times—but solely in order to restore peace. The mystery of poverty is that by sharing in it, making ourselves poor in giving to others, we increase our knowledge of and belief in love. Jesus rescued the adulteress from stoning, ate with tax collectors and prostitutes, spoke to the Samaritan woman at the well, and healed the sick and the sinner. Be that good news to your own people first. What exactly will help the poor (and society in general) will not always be clear in every situation, but every Catholic has an obligation to think seriously and act purposely to aid those suffering around them and around the world. Catholics believe the church community is strengthened by procreation of families. Most likely a combination of governmental, social and religious, and individual initiatives are needed. Yet states and governments often exceed their legitimate role and infringe upon individuals and groups in society so as to dominate rather than to serve them. Other discussions question, given contemporary technology, whether a just war is possible. Participation is a duty to be fulfilled consciously by all, with responsibility and with a view to the common good. But the New Testament idea of faith is not simple; indeed, it possesses a breadth of meaning that has led to varying understandings, even within a single Christian communion. Core Values As children grow, they have many questions about the world…their own identities…powers greater than themselves…their relationship with God. .There are wars and rumors of war, poverty and plague, hunger and pain. We are giving our students in schools (Catholic, and Protestant, and public) "values frameworks" that have the effect of frustrating shared purposes instead of developing them. As noted, Catholic social teaching does not address exactly how this should be done in every society. Our mission and values are based on the firm foundation of Catholic Social Teaching, a collection of themes developed in papal and other writings over the course of the Church’s history. Pope John XXIII defined the common good as “the sum total of social conditions which allow people, either as groups or as individuals, to reach their fulfillment more fully and more easily” (Pacem in Terris 55). A s a committed Catholic, I aim to instill in my students a love of God and by doing so a love for everything God created. We continually learn, find creative solutions, and embrace change. One of the most controversial of these areas in present culture is the understanding of the family. Even before the fall, man is created to till and keep the Garden of Eden, to imitate God’s work in creation through human work. It respects the dignity of each member of the community and is committed to a quality Catholic education that develops students to their full potential. Catholics are, first and foremost, Christians who believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. In all policies, procedures and practices, CCS/CHS employees will be faithful to Gospel values, Catholic Social Teaching, and the CCS/CHS Core Values which include acting with compassion, welcoming diversity, providing excellent service, working for justice, practicing stewardship of … St Gabriel’s School is proudly a Catholic school. Click on the image to download our Mission, Vision, and Values document. These seven principles—respect for the human person, promotion of the family, the individual’s right to own property, the common good, subsidiarity, the dignity of work and workers, and pursuit of peace and care for the poor—summarize some of the essentials of Catholic social teaching from Leo XIII through Benedict XVI. Our Board encompasses a large and dynamic region serving small towns, rural areas and urban centers. Not only the direct or indirect effects of individual actions, but also wise social policies are necessary for a just ordering of society, social policies that must take into account the likely effect on the poor. This article examines Catholic schools and the role of a Catholic school teacher in imparting moral values. Our framework for understanding British Values draws on the example of Jesus and His welcome and inclusion of all, which is developed in Catholic School Teaching. This good is common because only together as a community, and not simply as isolated individuals, is it possible to enjoy, achieve, and spread this good. We are giving our students in schools (Catholic, and Protestant, and public For we must bring that presence of God into your family, for the family that prays together, stays together. At Villanova, our educational experience is rooted in a passionate, collaborative pursuit of knowledge and service to … You may utilise these as the starting point for pondering and expressing what you stand for as a human being. The MSCI USA Catholic Values Index is composed of 400 Companies with high ratings for ESG performance and Catholic Value performance based on the above categories along with the considerations of sector and size-segment representation, as described below. But it is through such exercise that we grow and the joy of our vocation assures us we are on the right path. Family Whomever you consider to be your “family” may be a primary value to you because they provide you with support and companionship. In fact, it would appear that needs are best understood and satisfied by people who are closest to them and who act as neighbors to those in need. What Catholics Believe The Catholic religion is monotheistic, meaning that Catholics believe that there is only one supreme being, called God.The Catholic God has three aspects, known as the Trinity. If one spouse values a simple lifestyle and the other values accumulating wealth, it doesn’t matter how well they communicate, their basic life orientation will present constant opportunities for conflict. Peace is the “tranquility of order” in Augustine’s phrase. This belief is the foundation of all the principles of our social teaching. Do you know who they are? However, the common good, as important as it is, is not the greatest good. Catholic social teaching emphasizes the importance of the family, in particular the importance of fostering stable marriages where children are welcomed and educated. It may be that aggressive social action through the intervention of governmental policy is necessary. Certain teachings of the Catholic Church are very clear and relatively easy to articulate. One may not take basic necessities if these necessities could be provided through one’s own work or through the voluntary assistance of others, be it governmental agencies or private charities. Catholic Health Initiatives OUR VALUES AND ETHICS AT WORK 3 The examples in this reference guide will help you to understand the importance of having hon - esty, directness and respect in all of your interactions with patients, residents, members and others we serve. and look around at the tables filled with the unutterably poor who are going through their long-continuing crucifixion. We commit to exceed the expectations of all the people we meet at Catholic Health, Bills for Dates of Service Before 11/1/20, Bills for Dates of Service On or After 11/1/20, Social Responsibility and Community Benefit, Medical Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment (MOLST). Hence it is to be observed that quarrels arise more frequently where there is no division of the things possessed. Mission, Core Values and Vision History Integrity & Compliance Facts and Figures/Financial Strength A Vision for Coming Together Our Sponsor Catholic Health Ministries Members of Catholic Health Ministries and Directors of You might use these as the starting point for thinking about and articulating your own values as a human being. . Sometimes the common good is misunderstood to mean simply the common desires or interests of the multitude. For I was hungry and you gave me no food, I was thirsty and you gave me no drink, a stranger and you gave me no welcome, naked and you gave me no clothing, ill and in prison, and you did not care for me.” Then they will answer and say, “Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or ill or in prison, and not minister to your needs?” He will answer them, “Amen, I say to you, what you did not do for one of these least ones, you did not do for me.” And these will go off to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life. Christ-centred. Values is "an obscuring language for morality, used when the idea of purpose has been destroyed; and that's why it is so wide-spread in North America." If one spouse values faith and the other resents religion, conflict is inevitable. When should the state intervene and when should governmental authority refrain? I believe I demonstrate a • Six values that are known as the principles of the Jesuits oMagis: Meaning “more.” This is the challenge to strive for excellence. The Catholic Church has a wide-ranging and many-layered collection of teachings about social justice issues. So let’s look at the overall situation of “family values” and “moral values” in America today. After the fall, work becomes at times a toilsome task, but work remains part of man’s vocation from God. Ad by Palo Alto Networks Securing the remote workforce. The human person is not simply an individual but is also a member of a community. Through our Mission and Values we strive to provide excellent service and exceed the expectations of those we serve. Conflict, division and war a strong social value we have of knowing and believing in society... Gifts, pursuing justice, and immigration towns, rural areas and urban centers with 50 schools approximately. 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