Connecticut’s minimum weekly benefit is $198, and the maximum is $649. The state’s minimum PUA benefit is $172/week. The minimum weekly benefit is $15, and the maximum is $350. I cittadini residenti o temporaneamente presenti sul territorio del Municipio. Earning your trust is essential to our success, and we believe transparency is critical to creating that trust. More information is available here. More than six weeks after the CARES act was signed into law, though, many eligible applicants are still waiting for their checks to arrive. Notes: Applicants must first apply for regular unemployment insurance via the above link prior to filing for PUA. Notes: The state’s minimum weekly benefit amount is $134, and the maximum is $480. Claimants must first apply for general unemployment insurance via the link above. Arizona's Pandemic Unemployment Assistance Portal - Complete set of tools for labor market analysts in AZ - PUA. General unemployment portal:,5863,7-336-78421_97241—,00.html. Hot tip: The minimum and maximum weekly benefit amounts reflected here do not include the additional $600 per week workers are eligible to receive from the Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation program. General unemployment portal:, Direct PUA Portal: Notes: Applications for PUA opened on April 24. General unemployment portal:, Direct Portal: General unemployment portal: To help wade through the minutiae, Money has created a guide to navigating every state’s PUA application process. General Unemployment Portal: As per a state government website, if you have already applied for benefits and been denied due to insufficient earnings, your claim will automatically transfer to PUA. The state’s minimum weekly benefit amount is $36, and the maximum is $508. Once finished, the system will deny them regular unemployment benefits, and automatically enroll them in PUA. Notes: The minimum Montana PUA benefit is $184. Notes: Washington PUA applicants must first make an initial claim for regular unemployment insurance. The minimum amount of weekly assistance an individual may receive is $263 and the maximum is $648. PUA is only available from the week ending February 28, 2020 through the week ending December 26, 2020. P.O. General unemployment portal:, Direct PUA Portal: attività di informazione ed orientamento ai cittadini sui diritti e le opportunità sociali, sui servizi e gli interventi del sistema locale; accoglienza delle richieste di assistenza domiciliare, semiresidenziale e residenziale a gestione integrata e compartecipata provenienti dai cittadini e dalla rete formale territoriale (medici di famiglia, pediatri, servizio sociale, ecc. Alla P.U.A le persone interessate possono accedere direttamente. General unemployment portal: CARATTERISTICHE DEL SERVIZIO. Since the release of Guam’s PUA online application process, the Guam Department of Labor has noticed many claimants are erroneously inputting information in many of the same areas or are making many of the same mistakes when registering and filing their weekly claims. Pennsylvania's Pandemic Unemployment Assistance Portal - Complete set of tools for labor market analysts in PA - PUA. General unemployment portal:, Direct PUA Portal: Tennessee’s minimum weekly benefit amount is $120 and the maximum is $275. General unemployment portal:, Direct PUA portal:, Notes: Florida’s maximum PUA benefit is $275/week, General unemployment portal:, Direct PUA Portal:, Notes: Georgia’s minimum PUA benefit is $55/week, and the maximum is $365/week, General unemployment portal:, Direct PUA Portal:, Notes: Hawaii’s minimum PUA benefit is $263/week and the maximum is $648/week, General unemployment portal: After that step is completed, the link “Apply for PUA benefits” will appear in the left navigation of their unemployment insurance claim homepage. Notes: The state’s maximum weekly benefit is $823. Notes: Arizona’s minimum weekly benefit is $117, and the maximum is $240. Notes: Virginia PUA applicants must first apply for general unemployment insurance (via the above link) and be found ineligible. General unemployment portal:, Direct PUA Portal: Personal loans can be used for multiple things, like paying medical bills and consolidating high-interest debt. General unemployment portal: Notes: Wyoming PUA applicants can apply through the general portal above. Notes: Missouri PUA applicants must first file a regular unemployment claim (available at the link above) and be found ineligible before applying for PUA. In an effort to correct future claimant errors, here is a list […] Box 111149 Juneau, AK 99811 Phone: (907) 465-2700 Fax: (907) 465-2784 PUA applicants with an account in the old system will have to register for a new account. Log in to begin. A personal loan can help you mitigate losses and get back on track. Using It Is Even Trickier, Ad Practitioners, LLC General unemployment portal: Direct PUA Portal: N/A. For more information, read,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5863,7-336-78421_97241—,00.html,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, A State-by-State Guide to Getting Pandemic Unemployment Assistance Benefits. Notes: Pennsylvania’s minimum weekly PUA benefit is $195, and the maximum is $572. Click your state to see if you qualify! The state’s minimum weekly benefit is $51, and the maximum is $580. Forgot my Username: Forgot my Password: New User: Register for a myAlaska Account General unemployment portal: Our content is free because our partners pay us a referral fee if you click on links or call any of the phone numbers on our site. Alaska’s Unemployment Insurance (UI) program is dedicated to providing unemployed workers fast and accurate payment of UI benefits. Notes: Residents who apply through the above link will be automatically considered for PUA. Notes: Texas PUA applicants should first apply for regular unemployment insurance through the link above. Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development (DOLWD) is accepting applications for Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA). To find out more about our editorial process and how we make money, click here. Alaska began paying the additional $600 stimulus payment to eligible claimants on April 13, 2020. According to a state government website, applications will be available online to claimants who apply for and are denied regular unemployment insurance. General unemployment portal:, Direct PUA Portal: Notes: Arkansas’ minimum weekly benefit is $133, and the maximum weekly benefit is $451. We may be compensated when you click on this ad. The state’s minimum weekly PUA payment is $133. Notes: Oklahoma recently launched its new digital PUA portal (link above). 3, Palazzo di Città | Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 84 | 70122 Bari | Italy URP - Ufficio Relazioni con il Pubblico: 080/5772390 - 080/5772391 - 800/018291 (solo da telefono fisso) Centralino: +39 080 577 1111 CF: 80015010723 - P.IVA: 00268080728, Per l'elenco delle PEC: Indice delle Pubbliche Amministrazioni, Aut. Notes: Oregon PUA applicants should first apply through the state’s general unemployment system. Here Are 8 Smart Money Moves You Can Make Now, Bad Dogs: These Breeds Are the Worst for Your Home Insurance Policy. -IMPORTANT COMPLIANCE ALERT- New bill passed in ... Real-time help and advice Unemployment/PUA Chat Server. The application process, and the necessary steps claimants need to take to qualify, varies by state. To learn the requirements and details regarding the PUA program please review our "Learn about PUA" website section which goes into details regarding the application process and potential benefits you may receive if found eligible for the program. General unemployment portal: Tribunale di Bari n. 1454 del 16 Marzo 2000, Recapiti Ufficio Relazioni con il Pubblico, Occupazioni di suolo pubblico e uso pubblico - Passi carrai, Taxi a "chiamata" per trasporto cittadini disabili, Servizio di decoro delle aree attrezzate a verde. General unemployment portal: *This story was updated on May 19 to reflect the addition of six states: Alaska, Arizona, Connecticut, Hawaii, Maine, and Maryland. Notes: In West Virginia, the minimum PUA benefit is $158, and the maximum is $424. Once they are found ineligible, they can apply for PUA through the portal above. If you’ve already applied for regular unemployment insurance and were denied, you need to complete a new initial claim application to determine eligibility for PUA (available at the link above). Notes: PUA applications are open in New Hampshire, but applicants can file a claim only after they’ve applied for regular unemployment insurance benefits and have been denied (available through the week above). General unemployment portal:, Direct PUA Portal: Detailed instructions are available here. Notes: California started accepting PUA applications through the general unemployment portal on Tuesday, April 28. Job seekers and employers access jobs, résumés, education, training, labor market information. Many companies featured on Money advertise with us. Notes: PUA applicants must first file a regular unemployment insurance claim through the link above. La Porta Unica d'Accesso - PUA è un importante strumento, attivato dal Comune in raccordo con l’Ausl, per l'integrazione socio-sanitaria, finalizzata a promuovere e tutelare la salute delle persone e delle famiglie, garantendo ai cittadini residenti o temporaneamente presenti sul territorio di accedere a tutte le prestazioni socio-assistenziali e socio-sanitarie del territorio. Learn more about how we make money. The purpose of this disclosure is to explain how we make money without charging you for our content. Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) provides emergency unemployment assistance to individuals who are not eligible for regular state unemployment insurance (UI) benefits or benefits under any other state or federal program or who have exhausted all entitlement to regular UI benefits or any other state or federal benefits. Those who have already completed regular unemployment claims should not reapply. The minimum weekly benefit is $183, and the maximum weekly benefit is $469. General unemployment portal: Most Job Search Requirements for Unemployment Benefits Are Waived. Opinions expressed on this site are the author's alone, not those of a third-party entity, and have not been reviewed, approved, or otherwise endorsed. Maine’s minimum benefit available under PUA is $172/week. General unemployment portal:, Direct PUA portal: The state’s minimum weekly benefit amount is $163, and the maximum is $370. Notes: PUA applicants must first apply for traditional unemployment insurance benefits (via the link above) and be deemed ineligible. General unemployment portal: Department of Labor & Workforce Development . Opinions are our own and our editors and staff writers are instructed to maintain editorial integrity, but compensation along with in-depth research will determine where, how, and in what order they appear on the page. More information is available here. In the Position section , complete all required fields to the best of your ability(see figure above) . General unemployment portal:, Direct PUA Portal:, Notes: Colorado’s minimum weekly benefit is $223, and the maximum is $618, General unemployment portal:, Direct PUA Portal: General unemployment portal:, Direct PUA Portal: Le Assistenti sociali del Comune e gli operatori socio sanitari della ASL analizzano le domande e accolgono le richieste per l’accesso ai servizi integrati socio-sanitari di natura domiciliare, semiresidenziale e residenziale provenienti dai cittadini e dalla rete formale territoriale (medici di famiglia, pediatri, servizio sociale). Ultimately the choice is yours. Notes: PUA applicants must first file an initial unemployment insurance claim via the link above, and then upload a separate “proof of earnings” submission. If you have applied for Regular Unemployment Benefits and have been denied within twelve months of today’s date, you can now file for PUA. Notes: Claimants should apply for PUA through the general link above. General unemployment portal:, Direct PUA Portal: Claimant guide available here. West Virginia's Pandemic Unemployment Assistance Portal ... (PUA). We’ll be updating this list continually, so if your state hasn’t started doling out PUA payments yet, check back shortly. Vermont’s minimum PUA benefit is $191/week, and the maximum is $513/week. General unemployment portal: General unemployment portal: La PUA attiva l'Unità di Valutazione Multidimensionale (UVM), che effettua l'analisi dettagliata dei bisogni di ogni singolo caso, verifica la presenza delle condizioni socio-economiche, abitative e familiari di ammissibilità ad un certo percorso di cura e assistenza, individua insieme alla persona in difficoltà la migliore soluzione possibile in base alle risorse disponibili, nel rispetto della libertà di scelta di ogni individuo, elabora il progetto socio-sanitario personalizzato condiviso e sottoscritto dall’utente e dal nucleo familiare. General unemployment portal: Direct PUA Portal: N/A. Guaynabo PR 00968, Updated: June 17, 2020 5:22 PM ET | Originally published: May 12, 2020. General unemployment portal:, Direct PUA Portal: General unemployment portal: Claimants can apply though the general link above. The state’s minimum weekly benefit is $167, and the maximum is $450. Idaho’s minimum weekly PUA payment is $168. Opinions are our own, but compensation and in-depth research determine where and how companies may appear. General unemployment portal:, Direct PUA Portal: Those eligible for PUA will receive an email with instructions for completing an application. In Michigan, the weekly benefit amount ranges from $160 to $318. PUA - Distretto Socio-Sanitario n. 6 ASL BA Via Crisanzio n. 216/E Bari Tel: 080/5844660 Fax: 080/5844697 Orari: Lunedì 9,00-12,00 Martedì 9,00-12,00 Giovedì 9,00-12,00 e 15,00-17,00 Venerdì 9,00-12,00, PUA - Distretto Socio-Sanitario n. 7 ASL BA Via Federico Vecchio n. 3 - 70124 Bari Tel: 080/5842055 Fax: 080/55842047 Orari: Lunedì 9.00-12.00; Martedì 9.00-12.00; Giovedì 9.00-12.00- 15.00-17.00; Venerdì 9.00-12.00, PUA - Distretto Socio-Sanitario n. 8 ASL BA Via Aquilino n.1 Bari Tel: 080/5842798 - 64 Fax: 080/5842703 Orari: Lunedì 8,30-11,30 Martedì 8,30-11,30 Giovedì 8,30-11,30 e 15,30-17,30 Venerdì 8,30-11,30. Notes: Puerto Rico’s minimum weekly benefit is $33, and the maximum is $190. Delaware’s minimum weekly PUA benefit is $133, and the maximum weekly benefit is $400. Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) is for small business owners, self-employed individuals, and unemployed or partially unemployed individuals not eligible for other state or federal unemployment insurance (UI) benefit programs and who are currently out of work due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Detailed step-by-step information is available here. Ads by Money. General unemployment portal: Notes: Applications for PUA opened on Friday, May 1. Notes: The Kansas Department of Labor projects that residents will be able to file for PUA by May 12 and that payments should start processing by May 25. Let us know if we can make some things on the site better. PUA Claimant Portal. As of May 12, 37 states have started paying out Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA), the program designed to aid workers who don’t qualify for traditional unemployment benefits, according to a Department of Labor spokesperson (*As of June 12, that number has grown to 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico). Money’s Guide to Applying for Unemployment if You’re a Freelancer, Independent Contractor, or Self-Employed, For Small Businesses, Getting a PPP Loan Is Hard. Indiana’s minimum weekly benefit amount is $149. Help make improve! Note: Staff does not respond to feedback reports individually. Notes: PUA applicants must first apply for regular unemployment insurance via the above link, and be deemed ineligible. 7 calle 1, Suite 204 If you choose to interact with the content on our site, we will likely receive compensation. On June 17, it was updated to reflect the final nine states: Arkansas, Delaware, Illinois, Kansas, Nevada, New Hampshire, Ohio, West Virginia, and Wisconsin. Notes: As of April 21, Wisconsin PUA claimants can apply online through the general portal above. But it didn’t exactly make them a priority, either. Offers may be subject to change without notice. PUA Portal Work History Form – Position Section . 50 . General unemployment portal:, Direct PUA Portal: General unemployment portal: General unemployment portal: General unemployment portal: When asked the reason for their job separation, they should select “reduced hours,” and under the disaster impact section, they should select “COVID-19,” according to a state government website. Claimants must first file a regular unemployment insurance claim through the above link, and then visit the state’s “claim tracker” page for any next steps the following day. "Workers who are self-employed, independent contractors, gig economy workers or are not working due to the COVID-19 pandemic and are not eligible for any state or federal Unemployment Insurance (UI) benefits may qualify for PUA," … Notes: PUA applicants must first apply for regular unemployment insurance through the above link. Notes: Vermont PUA applicants must first complete an initial application for general unemployment insurance via the above link. Also: Like all unemployment claims, PUA applicants must refile weekly in most states. The state’s minimum weekly benefit is $205, and the maximum is $648. General unemployment portal:, Notes: The minimum benefit amount is $106, and the maximum is $235, General unemployment portal: Not Too Late to Refinance Your Mortgage and Save Thousands, Making Over 65K... Applying for general unemployment insurance via the above link prior to filing for PUA through general... 107, and the maximum is $ 56, and the maximum is $ 649 system contain! 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